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Summary of dynamics research on traction power transmission system of rail transits(PDF)


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Summary of dynamics research on traction power transmission system of rail transits
CHEN Zai-gang LIU Yu-qing ZHOU Zi-wei NING Jie-yu
(State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China)
rail transit traction power transmission system gear mesh rolling bearing electromechanical coupling
To promote the dynamic service performance of railway vehicle traction power transmission system and ensure the service reliability and safety, the current situation and development trend of dynamics research of traction power transmission system were analyzed, the analysis theory and research methods of gear dynamics, rolling bearing dynamics and electromechanical coupling effects were studied, and the future research focus and developing directions were discussed. Research results indicate that in the dynamics research of traction power transmission system, the lumped parameter method is mainly used for the coupling dynamics modeling, the dynamic excitations, such as gear time-varying meshing stiffness and wheel-rail excitation, are focused, and the coupling vibration characteristics between gear transmission and vehicle system are analyzed. In dynamics research of rolling bearing of railway vehicle, the dynamic characteristics of four rolling bearings, including axle box bearing, motor bearing, axle suspension bearing, and gearbox bearing, are analyzed. The research on locomotive traction motor's control strategy, harmonic torque suppression, and fault excitation mechanism and characteristics based on rotor dynamics and electromechanical coupling effect is gradually conducted. The studies of key components, such as traction motor, gear transmission, bearing, and other aspects are relatively independent, the dynamic coupling relationship among them has not been fully considered, and the dynamic interaction mechanism has not yet been revealed. Based on the previous research, the main research directions of the future are to further consider the impact of railway vehicle service environment, deeply study the dynamic characteristics, load identification, fatigue life, fault mechanism, fault diagnosis, performance evolution law and state monitoring of key parts of traction power transmission system, and explore the dynamic characteristics of new traction power transmission system. 4 tabs, 8 figs, 122 refs.


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Last Update: 2021-12-20