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Shear strength and disintegration properties of polypropylene fiber-reinforced loess(PDF)


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Shear strength and disintegration properties of polypropylene fiber-reinforced loess
LU Hao1 YAN Chang-gen2 JIA Zhuo-long2 LAN Heng-xing3 SHI Yu-ling3YANG Xiao-hua2 ZHANG Zhi-quan4
(1. Guangdong Hualu Transport Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510420, Guangdong, China; 2. School of Highway, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 3. School of Geological Engineering and Geomatics, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, Shaanxi, China; 4. School of Civil Engineering, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China)
subgrade engineering reinforced loess polypropylene fiber shear strength disintegration rate
To test the protective effect of polypropylene(PP)fiber-reinforced loess on slope surface, the influences of fiber content, fiber length and moisture content on the shear strength and disintegration properties of PP fiber-reinforced loess were evaluated. The optimal mixing ratio for the reinforced loess was obtained to conduct field slope surface protection tests. Research result shows that compared to unreinforced loess, the cohesion and internal friction angle of PP fiber-reinforced loess maximally increase by 113.8% and 23.3%, respectively, while the disintegration rate reduces by a maximum of 87.5%. Therefore, PP fiber can effectively improve the shear strength and disintegration resistance of loess. As the fiber's content and length increase, the cohesion of PP fiber-reinforced loess increases first and then decreases, and first increases sharply and then increases gradually, respectively. Meanwhile, the disintegration rate decreases first and then increases, and decreases continuously, respectively. For the shear strength, the optimal fiber content is 0.3%, and the optimum fiber length is 15 mm. For the disintegration properties, the optimal fiber content is 0.5%, and the optimum fiber length is 19 mm. In contrast, the relative difference in the disintegration rate between the two samples with different fiber contents and lengths is smaller than that in the shear strength. Hence, the optimal fiber content is 0.3%, while the optimum fiber length is 15 mm. Higher water content leads to lower cohesion, internal friction angle, and disintegration rate of PP fiber-reinforced loess, and the relationships between the water content and the three parameters conform to cubic polynomial or Logistic functions. Based on the field tests, the average erosion depth of the slope protected with PP fiber-reinforced loess is approximately 3 mm, indicating that the PP fiber-reinforced loess provides a significant slope surface protection. 3 tabs, 15 figs, 35 refs.


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Last Update: 2021-06-01