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Review on basic characteristics, formation mechanisms, and treatment measures of rail corrugation in metro systems(PDF)


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Review on basic characteristics, formation mechanisms, and treatment measures of rail corrugation in metro systems
GUAN Qing-hua ZHANG Bin XIONG Jia-yang LI Wei WEN Ze-feng WANG Heng-yu JIN Xue-song
(State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China)
metro rail corrugation basic characteristic formation mechanism treatment measures
The basic characteristics of rail corrugations in metro systems worldwide were systematically reviewed, including their typical properties such as universality, time concentration, and the correlation between the corrugations and curve parameters, track structure, vehicle characteristics, and other related factors. The classification methods, formation mechanisms, and treatment measures of rail corrugation in metro were comprehensively evaluated. Research results show that rail corrugation is common in metro and tram lines, particularly in the initial stage of new line opening and line reconstruction. Generally, the rail corrugation of small radius curve is more common than that of straight line and large radius curve, and the wavelength is relatively shorter and the amplitude is larger in low-rail side than that in high-rail side. However, there are still exceptions, that is, rail corrugations are also distributed on some large radius curves and straight lines.The wavelength and growth rate of corrugation are closely related to the track structure. Rail corrugation grows rapidly when the track structure and its components are not compatible. Vehicle structural parameters such as the wheel tread, wheelset alignment, suspension stiffness, and unsprung mass, will affect the generation, growth, and characteristics of rail corrugation. The rail material, traction and braking, operation environment, humidity, and friction coefficient may also influence the generation of rail corrugation. The formation mechanism of metro rail corrugation is mainly based on the resonance of wheel-rail system, stick-slip(friction-induced self-excitation)vibration of wheel-rail, and the reflection of rail vibration wave. The effects of longitudinal dynamics on the rail corrugation formation and nonlinear factors in the wheel-rail system are not thoroughly explored. The understanding about the effects of self-excited stick-slip vibration and negative friction characteristics on the corrugation are not unified. Therefore, it is difficult to explain the differences in corrugation characteristics among the low curve rail, high curve rail, and straight line rail. The prediction theory and experimental validation in the formation and growth of rail corrugation are not sufficient. Currently, rail grinding is widely adopted to control the development of corrugation in various countries worldwide. The research on active methods to control corrugation, such as adjusting track structure, operation condition, adopting rail vibration absorbers, applying wheel-rail friction modifiers, and optimizing vehicle design optimizations, are still need to develop further. According to the dynamic characteristics of vehicle-track system and the micro contact behavior and self-excited stick-slip vibration of wheel-rail in real operation conditions, the wheel-rail dynamic wear evolution simulation of vehicle-track system should be carried out, the formation mechanisms and the key factors influencing the laws of metro rail corrugation should be mastered, and the active measures to control metro rail corrugation and the optimal design principles of wheel-rail compatibility should be developed. 5 figs, 132 refs.


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Last Update: 2021-03-20