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Solar radiation time-varying temperature field and temperature effect on small radius curved rigid frame box girder bridge(PDF)


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Solar radiation time-varying temperature field and temperature effect on small radius curved rigid frame box girder bridge
SHENG Xing-wang ZHENG Wei-qi ZHU Zhi-hui YANG Ying LI Shuai
(School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, Hunan, China)
bridge engineering temperature effect finite element temperature field solar radiation ray tracing algorithm curved rigid frame box girder bridge
The real time position of the sun was determined by using the theory of solar physics. Combining with the ray tracing algorithm, the time-varying light surfaces of structure were selected in real time, and the time-varying thermal boundary conditions of structure were obtained. Taking a small radius curved rigid frame box girder bridge in Shijiazhai Interchange of Yongshun to Jishou Expressway as an engineering background, a summer day with the highest temperature was chosen by referring to the local historical meteorological data, and the finite element simulation of three-dimensional transient solar radiation time-varying temperature field of small raduis curved rigid frame box girder bridge was realized with the consideration of solar radiation, long wave radiation, convective heat transfer, wind speed and other environmental conditions. The solar radiation time-varying temperature effect on the small radius curved rigid frame box girder bridge was obtained through the thermal-structural coupling analysis. Research result shows that under the action of time-varying solar radiation, due to the covering effect of flange plate of small radius curved rigid frame box girder bridge, the direct sunlight times of box girder webs are different. The maximum temperature difference at the webs of each section of box girder is 1.3 ℃. The vertical temperature gradient variation law of roof of small radius curved rigid frame box girder bridge is similar to that in the General Specifications for Design of Highway Bridges and Culverts(JTG D60—2015). The maximum temperature difference between the upper and lower surfaces of roof is 14.3 ℃, and the temperature change of lower surface of box girder roof is about 3 h behind that of upper surface of box girder roof. The maximum transverse tensile stress at the lower surface of small radius curved rigid frame box girder bridge roof appears to be 3.13 MPa, and the transverse tensile stresses of upper surface of roof and the outer surface of web also appear to be more than 2 MPa. The displacement change trend of girder end opposites to that of mid-span of small radius curved rigid frame box girder bridge, preliminary revealing a serpentine movement law of small radius curved rigid frame box girder bridge under the action of time-varying solar radiation. 1 tab, 12 figs, 30 refs.


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Last Update: 2019-09-03