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Influence of atmospheric stability on formation of artificial anoxic area over sea surface(PDF)


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Influence of atmospheric stability on formation of artificial anoxic area over sea surface
JIN Liang-an LIU Wen-peng GAO Zhan-sheng ZHENG Zhi-lin
Department of Navigation, Dalian Naval Academy, Dalian 116018, Liaoning, China
waterway transport atmospheric stability Gaussian plume model anoxic area maritime traffic safety
Aiming at the formation of specified anoxic area by gas release in water, MATLAB and Gaussian plume model were used to simulate and analyze the change of gas concentrations at different locations under six atmospheric stability classes(A-F), and the corresponding isoconcentration curve and surface were drawn. The specific influence law of atmospheric stability on anoxic area formation was given. Analysis result shows that the geometric height of continuous point source is 0, the rising height is approximately 0, and the effective source height is approximately 0. The corresponding atmospheric stability classes of gas concentrations from low to high at the same downwind distance and the same sea surface location are A-F successively. The corresponding atmospheric stability classes of areas covered by isoconcentration curves and regions covered by isoconcentration surfaces are A-F successively. With the increase of atmospheric stability, the residence time and concentration of gas increase. So the tendency of diffusion close to sea surface is obvious, which is beneficial to the formation and maintenance of anoxic area with larger effective radius. 2 tabs, 7 figs, 47 refs.


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Last Update: 2016-12-20