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Train interior vibration and noise characteristics induced by rail corrugation with small-radius curves(PDF)


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Train interior vibration and noise characteristics induced by rail corrugation with small-radius curves
NIU Dao-an1 WEI Zi-long2 SUN Xian-fu2 YANG Fei2 KE Zai-tian12
(1. Railway Infrastructure Inspection Center, China State Railway Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100081, China; 2. Infrastructure Inspection Research Institute, China Academy of Railway Sciences Co., Ltd., Beijing 100081, China)
high-speed railway rail corrugation vibration response train interior noise small-radius curve time-frequency analysis
To explore the relationship between rail corrugation with small-radius curves and train interior vibration and noise, the rail corrugation occurring on the lines of a high-speed rail station was taken as an object, the train tests were carried out, and the rail surface irregularity was measured on site. The time-frequency characteristics of vibration and noise signals inside the carriages were extracted by using the synchro-squeezed wavelet transform. The global wavelet power spectrum and wavelet energy ratio were introduced to quantify and analyze the signals. The correlation between the severity of corrugation and the vibration and noise levels inside the carriages was established. The difference of dynamic responses between the car body as well as the running components and parts was compared. The influence of the curve radius of the corrugation on the train interior vibration and noise was investigated. Analysis results indicate that the vibration and noise signals become dominant at the frequency of 500-550 Hz at the sections with small-radius curves, which coincides with the impact frequency of wheel-rail induced by the rail corrugation. Further, the energy in this frequency band raises rapidly at the sections with the exacerbation of rail corrugation. The vibration signals of the axle box and bogie frame also have energy peaks in the frequency band of 500-550 Hz, while the peak frequencies of the vibration signals of the axle box such as 330 and 1 046 Hz are effectively filtered by the primary suspensions so that these frequency components are not observed from the vibration responses of the bogie frame. Regarding all signals collected within the carriages, the highest correlation can be observed between the distribution characteristics of vertical vibration response of the car body and the rail corrugation along the lines and mileage. The correlation among the noise inside the carriage, longitudinal vibration/lateral vibration and side-rolling rotation takes the second place, while the yaw rotation is less affected. Compared with the straight lines and large-radius curves, the vibration of the train body and noise levels at the sections with small-radius curves are more significantly affected by the rail corrugation. 16 figs, 31 refs.


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Last Update: 2023-02-20