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Experiments on factors affecting fatigue performance of bridge cable steel wires(PDF)


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Experiments on factors affecting fatigue performance of bridge cable steel wires
WANG Chun-sheng LYU Xing-hao LI Xi DUAN Lan YAO Bo
(School of Highway, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China)
bridge engineering cable wire strength grade stress ratio corrosion fatigue fatigue strength
To study the fatigue and corrosion fatigue performance of bridge cable steel wires, fatigue and corrosion fatigue experiments of cable steel wires were conducted by using new steel wires of different strength grades, cable steel wires of a cable-stayed bridge in service for seven years, and steel wires treated with artificially accelerated corrosion. According to the macroscopic morphology characteristics of typical fatigue fractures, the fatigue fracture mechanism of cable steel wires was explored. The Weibull distribution function was adopted to fit the stress-fatigue life curves of cable steel wires, and differences in the stress-fatigue life curves of different steel wires were compared. The influences of four key factors including the strength grade, stress ratio, corrosion damage, and corrosion-fatigue damage on the fatigue resistance of cable steel wires were revealed, and the corresponding fatigue strength curves were suggested. Test results show that the uncorroded steel wires have excellent fatigue resistance. With the increase in the strength grade, the fatigue strength of cable steel wires increases significantly, and the corresponding fatigue limit improves gradually. The fatigue strength of cable steel wires decreases significantly as the stress ratio improves. Both the corrosion damage and corrosion-fatigue damage significantly reduce the fatigue strength of cable steel wires, and the remaining fatigue life of cable steel wires is greatly affected by the corrosion-fatigue damage than the single corrosion damage. The fatigue cracks of the new steel wires derive from the surface scratch or uneven places of the material. For the steel wires with corrosion damage and corrosion-fatigue damage, the stress concentration is significantly found at the corrosion pit, the fatigue cracks are originated from the corrosion pit on the steel wire surface, and the probabilities of multi-source crack initiation and irregular crack propagation increase. The influences of strength grade, stress ratio, corrosion damage, and corrosion-fatigue damage of steel wires should be considered comprehensively in the bridge cable fatigue resistance design and safety assessment. The steel wire widely used in bridge cables in China is used in the test, and the fatigue strength obtained can be referenced by the fatigue resistance design and life prediction of bridge cables. 2 tabs, 8 figs, 31 refs.


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Last Update: 2023-02-20