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Review on development status of inspection equipment for track maintenance, communication and signaling, and power supply of railway(PDF)


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Review on development status of inspection equipment for track maintenance, communication and signaling, and power supply of railway
YANG Fei1 TU Wen-jing2 WEI Zi-long1 KE Zai-tian13 LIU Xiu-bo1 YANG Ai-hong1 WANG Shi-lei1
(1. Infrastructure Inspection Research Institute, China Academy of Railway Sciences Co., Ltd., Beijing 100081, China; 2. Department of Track, Communication & Signaling and Power Supply, China State Railway Group Co., Ltd.,Beijing 100844, China; 3. Railway Infrastructure Inspection Center, China State Railway Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100081, China)
railway engineering railway track maintenance railway communication and signaling railway power supply inspection equipment development status
The perspectives of the type and object of inspection equipment for track maintenance, communication and signaling, and power supply of railway were adopted to review the general development of inspection equipment in different countries. The development histories, technical features, and application situations of comprehensive inspection trains, specialized inspection trains, and on-board inspection devices were discussed. The differences of same type of inspection equipment in China and abroad in design concept, function integration, operation and maintenance were compared, and the shortcomings of Chinese inspection equipment were analyzed. On this basis, the development tendency of the Chinese inspection equipment was distilled by learning advanced experience from other countries and adapting it to Chinese actual situation. Research results show that substantial advances have been achieved by the Chinese inspection techniques for track maintenance, communication and signaling, and power supply of railway. Some fields have reached or approached the world advanced level, nevertheless, actual operation demands still cannot be met by these techniques, mainly manifested in inadequate inspection items, low automation and intelligence level of inspection equipment, insufficient usage of inspection data, and high inspection cost. Due to the above problems, the development of inspection equipment should be oriented towards comprehensive inspection functions, miniaturized and modularized inspection equipment, and intelligent and unmanned inspection process, thereby fostering a modern inspection equipment system featuring high reliability, a full range of inspection items, and accurate inspection data. This system is expected to guide the condition-based maintenance and life cycle management of railway infrastructure. 2 tabs, 51 figs, 59 refs.


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Last Update: 2023-02-20