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Research review on environmental vibrations in metro depot and over-track buildings induced by train operation(PDF)


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Research review on environmental vibrations in metro depot and over-track buildings induced by train operation
ZOU Chao1 FENG Qing-song2 HE Wei3
(1. School of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006,Guangdong, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Performance Monitoring and Protecting of Rail Transit Infrastructure, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, Jiangxi, China; 3. Faculty of Engineering, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, Hubei, China)
rail transit environmental vibration metro depot vibration control propagation law prediction method vibration mitigation measure
To deepen the understanding of the factors affecting the environmental vibration in metro depots and over-track buildings, the engineering practices and research achievements were systematically reviewed from five aspects, namely, the characteristics of vibration source, control standard, propagation law, prediction method, and vibration mitigation measures, and the existing problems and future research directions were also discussed. Research results show that the currently available evaluation and control standards for the environmental vibration in metro depots and over-track buildings are not uniform. The metro depot needs to be properly divided on the basis of the current standards so that a scientific, uniform, and reasonable standard can be formulated. The vibration of an over-track building is caused by the energy superposition in the load-bearing structures at different distances from the track. The vibration magnitude is determined by the intensity of the vibration source, the coupling loss between the soil and the building structure, and the energy attenuation of the over-track transfer structure. From the perspective of the composite vibration level, a monotonous increase or decrease in vibration with the floor number is not observed. From the perspective of frequency-dependent vibration level, the low-frequency vibration is characterized by global vibration on different floors, while an attenuation trend is demonstrated by the high-frequency vibration above the peak frequency as the floor number rises. The randomness of the vibration source, the uncertainty of the contact between soil and structure, the vibration propagation characteristics of the over-track building structure, and other factors have great influences on the propagation law of vibration within the building. They are also the key factors determining the accuracy of environmental vibration prediction method. Metro depots should be divided according to the characteristics of the vibration sources, and the different periods of engineering design should be segmented. Further studies should be conducted on vibration prediction methods for over-track buildings with a clear vibration transmission path and convenience for efficient applications. The design of vibration mitigation measures for metro depots is mainly focused on the vibration mitigation at the vibration source. The research and application of vibration isolation technologies for propagation paths and sensitive targets are obviously insufficient. Studies need to be conducted on the vibration isolation effect and applicability of permanent vibration isolation measures for propagation paths in near-source fields, to promote the design and application of vibration mitigation measures for building structures, and realize the comprehensive vibration mitigation design for vibration sources, propagation paths, and sensitive targets. 2 tabs, 23 figs, 88 refs.


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Last Update: 2023-02-20