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Secondary aging performance of warm-mix recycled asphalt binder(PDF)


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Secondary aging performance of warm-mix recycled asphalt binder
LI Qiang1 LU Yang1 WANG Jia-qing1 SUN Guang-xu2 ZHAO Yao1
(1. College of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, Jiangsu, China; 2. China Design Group Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210005, Jiangsu, China)
pavement engineering warm-mixed recycled asphalt dynamic shear rheology secondary aging rubber powder microstructure
In order to investigate the secondary aging performance of warm-mix recycled asphalt binder, three different recycling schemes were proposed on the basis of two commonly used warm agents and considering the complex coupling effects of regenerants and different modifiers. By the dynamic shear rheological test, the change laws of viscoelasticity performance, rutting resistance performance, and fatigue resistance performance of asphalt binder were analyzed by using the three different warm-mix recycling schemes before and after secondary aging and under different secondary aging degrees. The change laws of surface chemical functional groups and microstructures of asphalt binder under different warm-mix recycling schemes were analyzed by the Fourier transform Infrared and environmental scanning electron microscopy(ESEM)test. Analysis results indicate that the elastic characteristics and rutting resistance performance of recycled asphalt binder after secondary aging are greatly improved by the warm agent Sasobit, but its fatigue life is less than 10 000 under the strain level of 5% and secondary aging. With the combination of Evotherm 3G with SBR latex and rubber powder, the high-temperature performance of recycled asphalt binder after secondary aging is promoted to some extent, and the original low-temperature performance is maintained. Under the combination of Evotherm 3G with SBR latex, the optimal viscoelastic performance is presented, while under the combination of Evotherm 3G with rubber powder, the irrecoverable creep compliance is still less than 0.05 after secondary aging, and excellent rutting resistance performance is shown. The secondary aging mechanisms under different recycling schemes are revealed by the analysis results of microchemical and microphysical properties, and the change laws of chemical functional groups and microstructure characteristics are well correlated with the change laws of dynamic shear rheological properties. 5 tabs, 16 figs, 39 refs.


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Last Update: 2022-09-01