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Review on key technologies of hydrogen fuel cell powered vessels(PDF)


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Review on key technologies of hydrogen fuel cell powered vessels
XU Xiao-jian12 YANG Rui1 JI Yong-bo1 ZHANG Xin-yu2 JIANG Lei1 LI Kun1
(1. Shipping Technology Research Center, China Waterborne Transport Research Institute, Beijing 100088, China; 2. Navigation College, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, Liaoning, China)
new energy source for ship hydrogen fuel cell powered vessels key technologies PEMFC hydrogen production hydrogen storage hydrogen safety
Existing hydrogen fuel powered vessel types in the world were listed, and their characteristics were summarized. The research progress in the key technologies of hydrogen fuel cell powered vessels was analyzed in terms of standard specifications, power source, hydrogen production, hydrogen storage, and hydrogen safety. According to the navigation environment, structure, and operating condition of vessel, the challenges in the key technologies of hydrogen fuel cell powered vessels and the measures to deal with these challenges were proposed. Analysis results show that at present, the number of hydrogen fuel powered vessels in the world is limited. Most of them are small passenger vessels in inland rivers and lakes and are fueled mainly by hydrogen cells. The hydrogen is mostly stored in gas cylinders with high pressure of 35 MPa. The relevant standard specifications for hydrogen fuel cell powered vessels are still being formulated, and the standards and specifications for the building, testing, and application of vehicles fueled by hydrogen cells can be taken as references. Proton exchange membrane fuel cells(PEMFCs)are the most widely used hydrogen fuel cells. Catalyst, bipolar plate, membrane electrode, and sealing material all have important impacts on the performance of PEMFC. In order to increase the applicability of hydrogen fuel cells for vessels, it is suggested to develop high-power fuel cell modules, and the environmental suitability of fuel cells should be studied under the conditions of humidity, heat, salt spray, tilt, and swing. Currently, hydrogen production industries in China still focus on hydrogen production by coals, and it is necessary to produce hydrogen with renewable energy. In short term, compressed hydrogen is the most feasible way for hydrogen storage on board. Light and pressure-resistant storage tanks with high storage density should be developed to improve hydrogen storage density and safety. Furthermore, in order to ensure the safety of vehicles fueled by hydrogen cells, qualitative and quantitative risk analysis methods should be comprehensively utilized to identify risky scenarios, analyze the laws of development and consequence of leakage, diffusion, combustion and explosion of hydrogen by simulation, evaluate the risks, and propose risk mitigation measures. 5 tabs, 7 figs, 96 refs.


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Last Update: 2022-09-01