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Review on impact of autonomous driving on travel behaviors(PDF)


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Review on impact of autonomous driving on travel behaviors
LI Rui-min DAI Jing-chen
(Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)
intelligent transportation autonomous driving travel behavior mode choice use of travel time travel demand estimation review
The research status of travel behaviors under the influence of autonomous driving was analyzed from three aspects: vehicle travel demand, travel mode choice, and travel time utilzation. The data foundations and methodologies of existing studies on the impact of autonomous driving on travel behaviors were analyzed. The key factors affecting the choice of travel mode in the autonomous driving environment, existing challenges, and future development directions were discussed. Research results indicate that the studies on vehicle travel demand estimation primarily focus on the potential travel of underserved population and usually analyze the potential demand changes through assumptions, which have some deficiencies in terms of the reliability of the assumptions and the accuracy of the results. The studies on travel mode choice show that vehicle service and travel attributes, social demographic and family attributes, travel habits attributes, residential and environmental attributes, personal psychology and preference attributes are key influencing factors. Taking into account of different research objects, scenario design, and analysis methods, the influence of the factors such as gender, age, vehicle license holding, and family structure on travel behaviors remains to be examined. There is great uncertainty and heterogeneity in people’s perceptions of the ways and benefits of the use of travel time in the era of autonomous driving, and there is a great need for theoretical models to further discuss the potential change of the use of travel time. Based on the limitations of existing studies on the impact of autonomous driving on travel behaviors, several future improvement directions are provided, including establishing standardized description of autonomous vehicles, enriching data collection methods, carrying out horizontal and longitudinal comparative studies, strengthening the consideration of the heterogeneity of influencing factors, and identifying the interaction mechanism among various travel behaviors. 3 tabs, 3 figs, 54 refs.


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Last Update: 2022-07-20