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Thermal-mechanical coupling analysis of three-dimensional elastic-plastic wheel-rail sliding contact(PDF)


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Thermal-mechanical coupling analysis of three-dimensional elastic-plastic wheel-rail sliding contact
YANG Bing1 RONG You-xin12 YANG Guang-wu1 XIAO Shou-ne1 ZHU Tao1
(1. State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China; 2. CRRC Qingdao Sifang Rolling Stock Research Institute Co., Ltd., Qingdao 266031, Shandong, China)
vehicle engineering wheel-rail thermal response thermal-mechanical coupling sliding contact Johnson-Cook material model temperature
To improve the accuracy of thermal response analysis of wheel-rail sliding contact, on the basis of the Johnson-Cook material model, fully considering the temperature correlation of various material properties including the friction coefficient, three heat transfer modes, and the actual wheel-rail profile, a full-scale three-dimensional elastic-plastic wheel-rail sliding contact finite element model was established. The thermal-mechanical coupling analysis of the wheel-rail in sliding contact state was carried out by using the fully coupling method. The wheel-rail temperature field and stress field distribution characteristics were studied when the wheel slid along the rail at a speed of 1 m·s-1 for 0.1 s, and the effects of the axle load and relative sliding speed on the temperature field of the wheel-rail contact area were analyzed. The variation relationships of the depth of the heat-affected layer, the width of the heat-affected layer, and the temperature of the wheel-rail surface with the axle load and relative sliding speed were obtained. Analysis results show that the maximum equivalent stress of the wheel and rail occurs at the center of the subsurface contact patch, and the maximum temperature on the wheel surface occurs at the center of the rear part of the contact patch. The maximum temperature on the rail surface is lower than that on the wheel surface as the latter is 848 ℃, and the former is 768 ℃. The heat-affected layer of the wheel and rail is very thin, with the depth of the heat-affected layer for the wheel being about 4.22 mm and that for the rail being about 3 mm. The depth of the heat-affected layer for the wheel and rail has no significant change with the increase in the axle load, but the width increases with the increase in the axle load. The depth of the heat-affected layer for the wheel and rail decreases with the increase in the relative sliding speed, but the width has no significant change with the increase in the relative sliding speed. The temperature of wheel-rail surface increases with the increase in the axle load and relative sliding speed, and the relative sliding speed has a greater effect on the wheel-rail thermal response. The full-scale three-dimensional finite element model for the elastic-plastic wheel-rail sliding contact and the thermal-mechanical fully coupling method can more accurately predict the thermal response of wheel-rail sliding contact, which is of great significance for the rational research on the wheel-rail thermal damage and thermal fatigue. 3 tabs, 15 figs, 31 refs.


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Last Update: 2022-06-10