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Study of noise reduction effect and influencing parameters for a resilient wheel considering rotation effect(PDF)


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Study of noise reduction effect and influencing parameters for a resilient wheel considering rotation effect
SHENG Xiao-zhen12 GE Shuai12 CHENG Gong3 ZHOU Xin12 HUANG Zhen-xin4
(1. School of Urban Railway Transportation, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China; 2. Shanghai Engineering Research Centre of Vibration and Noise Control Technologies for Rail Transit, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China; 3. School of Transportation Engineering,East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, Jiangxi, China; 4. State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China)
vehicle engineering resilient wheel vibration and sound radiation rotation effect 2.5D finite element method 2.5D boundary element method
An resilient wheel and its prototype ordinary wheel were taken as the research objects, the 2.5D structural finite element method and 2.5D acoustic boundary element method were used to predict the vibration and sound radiation of the wheels under the excitation of a given wheel-rail roughness and considering the moving load effect and gyro effect caused by the wheel rotation. The noise reduction mechanism of theresilient wheel was analyzed at the three running speeds of 40, 80 and 120 km·h-1, and the effect of the material parameters of the resilient wheel rubber layer on the noise reduction effect was studied. Research results show that the wheel rotation makes the acoustic power peak at the original non-zero node-diameter mode frequency bifurcated into two peaks, one of which is higher than the original mode frequency, and the other is lower than the original mode frequency. The difference between the two peak frequencies is approximately equal to the wheel rotation frequency multiplied by two times the number of mode node-diameter. Under considering all cases, the effect of the wheel rotation on the sound radiation of the wheel can be as high as 3.2 dB(A). Therefore, the vibro-acoustics of the wheel must be predicted by considering the wheel rotation. If the Young’s modulus of the rubber layer is too low, the wheel rim will vibrate so strongly that the wheel radiates higher sound power than the ordinary wheel. In terms of sound radiation, there is an optimal Young’s modulus for the rubber layer, at which the resilient wheel radiates lowest sound power more than 10 dB(A)lower than the ordinary wheel. Increasing rubber damping will reduce the sound radiation from the wheel, however, the reduction is adversely affected by the Young’s modulus of the rubber. With the increase of running speed, the noise reduction effect of resilient wheel decreases continuously compared with the prototype common wheel, and the reduction is more than 4 dB(A)when wheel speed increases from 40 km·h-1 to 120 km·h-1. 4 tabs, 10 figs, 27 refs.


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Last Update: 2022-06-10