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Numerical simulation and law analysis of water accumulation distribution at superelevation transition section of multilane expressway(PDF)


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Numerical simulation and law analysis of water accumulation distribution at superelevation transition section of multilane expressway
ZHAO Jian-you1 GUO Wan-jiang1 JIA Xing-li2 CHEN Xing-peng2
(1. School of Automobile, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 2. School of Highway, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China)
road engineering superelevation transition section water accumulation thickness fluid simulation multiphase flow model
In order to reveal the distribution law of water accumulation at the superelevation transition section of multilane expressway, the design parameters of the typical superelevation transition section of multilane expressway were selected based on the fluid dynamics theory, and the road design software BIM was used to establish 40 groups of 3D road models. By analyzing the relationship between road area water quantity and drainage facilities runoff, a rainfall simulation scheme considering the influence of drainage facilities and pavement structure depth was established. The discrete phase model and multiphase flow model were coupled to simulate the water accumulation state of road area under rainfall condition. By analyzing the water accumulation thickness data of superelevation transition section under different combination parameters, the influence modes of synthetic slope, road width, rainfall intensity and superelevation gradient rate on the water accumulation thickness were obtained. The maximum water accumulation thicknesses of each lane were calculated, and the horizontal distribution laws of water accumulation at six-lane and eight-lane transition sections were revealed. Analysis results show that the thickness of stagnant water is negatively correlated with synthetic slope and superelevation gradient rate, and positively correlated with rainfall intensity and road width. The rainfall intensity has the greatest influence on the ponding water thickness, and the superelevation gradation rate has the least influence on the ponding water thickness. When the synthetic slope is 2.02%-8.54% and the rainfall intensity is 1-5 mm·min-1, the minimum water thickness at the superelevation section of multilane expressway is 0.58 mm, and the maximum is 28.35 mm. When the rainfall intensity is 5 mm·min-1, the maximum water thicknesses of the inner and outer lanes at the superelevation transition section of the expressway are significantly different. The maximum water thickness ratio from the inner lane to the outer lane at the six-lane transition section is 1.0:3.1:3.3, and the ratio is 1.00:0.96:1.03:1.36 at the eight-lane transition section. The peak value of water accumulation thickness at the superelevation transition section of multi-lane expressway first appears near the middle of the expressway and then moves outward, and the maximum water accumulation thickness generally appears in the outer lane. 3 tabs, 13 figs, 26 refs.


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Last Update: 2022-06-10