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Calculation model of rock joint stiffness considering anisotropic morphology characteristics(PDF)


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Calculation model of rock joint stiffness considering anisotropic morphology characteristics
BAO Han1 XU Xun-hui1 LAN Heng-xing23 YAN Chang-gen1 XU Jiang-bo1 LIU Chang-qing1
(1. School of Highway, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 2. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China; 3. School of Geological Engineering and Geomatics, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, Shaanxi, China)
geotechnical engineering shear and normal stiffness model test stiffness calculation model rock joint morphology parameter
To accurately and conveniently achieve the shear and normal stiffnesses of rock joint and analyze the deformation behavior characteristics of rock joint, the diorite joint from the Guanshan Tunnel was scanned to obtain the digital information of morphology. According to the digitized joint surface, the replicate joint samples were made by the 3D printing technology. The uniaxial compression tests and anisotropic shear tests were performed for the joint replicas. The new shear and normal stiffness models were established based on the new anisotropic morphology parameter. Research results show that the proposed new morphology parameter takes into account the climbing angles and heights of positive asperities, which is helpful for expressing the anisotropic roughness of joint surface. The morphology parameter of joint profile in the same direction follows a lognormal probability distribution. On the basis of mechanical tests on the physical models, the new shear stiffness calculation model of rock joint established by considering the morphology parameter, joint compressive strength, and normal stress can lower the difficulty in obtaining the shear stiffness, and better reflect the anisotropy of tangent deformation as well. In consideration of the quantitative relationships of joint compressive strength with the initial normal stiffness and joint maximum closure, the improved hyperbolic-function normal stiffness model can simplify the calculation of normal stiffness by avoiding complex mechanical experiments. Compared with the classical calculation models and the mechanical test results, the stiffnesses calculated by the new models are closer to the test values. The average relative error between the calculated and experimental values of shear stiffness is 2.09%-27.88%, and the average relative error between the calculated and experimental values of normal stiffness is 3.25%-17.25%, which demonstrates that the new models can obtain the deformation parameters of the joint more precisely and conveniently. 5 tabs, 19 figs, 46 refs.


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Last Update: 2022-06-10