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Design method for asymmetric grinding profile of rails in sharp curves(PDF)


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Design method for asymmetric grinding profile of rails in sharp curves
LI Li PENG Jing-kang CUI Da-bin LEI Peng-cheng
(School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China)
vehicle engineering rail profile vehicle system dynamics sharp curve asymmetric grinding multi-objective optimization
For improving the performance of trains passing through sharp curves, the geometric derivation was performed on the profile of existing CN60 rails in China to design the target rail profile by asymmetric grinding. Taking the geometric parameters of the rail profile as design variables and the multi-body dynamics index of vehicle system as the comprehensive objective function, a multi-objective numerical optimization model for the asymmetric grinding profile of rails in sharp curves was proposed considering the rail grinding constraints. On the basis of the differential evolution algorithm, the corresponding numerical calculation program was written, and reasonable calculation parameters were selected to solve the optimization model. According to the actual line parameters, the wheel-rail contact geometric characteristics of the optimized grinding profile of rails were analyzed, and the dynamics performance of trains passing through sharp curves was verified. Research results reveal that the proposed optimization method is fast in calculations, and the ideal grinding profile of rails can be obtained after only 97 iterations of the optimization model. Due to the asymmetric grinding, the inner and outer rails have different grinding positions and grinding depths, and the centering positions of wheels and rails move to the inner side of rails by about 10 mm, without any change in the wheel-rail matching characteristics at the flange. This effectively increases the wheelset rolling radius difference and the difference in wheel-rail contact angles in the wheelset lateral displacement range of 10 mm, reduces the lateral displacement of wheelset, lateral wheel-rail force, derailment coefficient, and rate of wheel load reduction when trains pass through sharp curves, and improves the lateral stability of the bogie and the wheel-rail wear performance. Although the rail profile obtained by this grinding method increases the wheel-rail contact stress, it does not cause the plastic wheel-rail deformation. Therefore, this design method is feasible to improve the capability of trains passing through small- and medium-radius curves. 3 tabs, 16 figs, 31 refs.


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Last Update: 2022-06-10