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Formation mechanism and progression pattern of eccentric wear of high-speed train wheels(PDF)


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Formation mechanism and progression pattern of eccentric wear of high-speed train wheels
KANG Xi CHEN Guang-xiong YANG Pu-miao ZHU Qi SONG Qi-feng
(School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China)
vehicle engineering high-speed train eccentric wheel numerical simulation residual static unbalance polygonal wear of wheel
To investigate the generation mechanism of the eccentric wear of high-speed train wheels, a high-speed wheel-rail finite element model was established based on the results of a field test and multibody dynamics-based simulation, and the impacts of residual static unbalance of wheels on wheel-rail normal contact forces were analyzed by transient dynamic simulation. The field test was performed on the operational speed of a multiple-unit train with a maximum operational speed of 250 km·h-1 to determine the average speed of the train travelling in a uniform speed interval. Based on the viewpoint that the periodic fluctuations of frictional work result in uneven wheel-rail wear, the impacts of residual static unbalance of wheels on wheel-rail contact forces were analyzed, and the causes of the eccentric wear of wheels were explored. The residual static unbalance was simulated by adjusting the material density in the specific area on the wheel plate in the wheel-rail finite element model to investigate the relationship between the eccentric wear and the level of residual static unbalance. By recompiling the node coordinates in the finite element model to investigate the progression pattern of the eccentric wear of wheels, the eccentric wear of the actual wheel tread contour was simulated. Simulation results show that when the high-speed train travels at a uniform speed of 237 km·h-1, the residual static unbalance of the wheels causes the wheel-rail system to vibrate at around 24 Hz, resulting in the periodic changes in wheel-rail normal contact forces and 1-order out-of-roundness wear of the wheel tread(that is, the eccentric wear of the wheels). With the progression of the wear, the vibrations at about 48 Hz and 72 Hz are stimulated in the wheel-rail system, which causes 2- or 3-order polygonal wear of wheels. When the maximum radial runout value of the worn wheel tread is greater than 0.15 mm, the vibration intensity is the greatest at 72 Hz within the frequency range of 0-150 Hz, resulting in the rapid progression of the 3-order polygonal wear of wheels. The formation of 1-order out-of-roundness wheels can be attenuated by reducing the amount of residual static unbalance of wheels. 2 tabs, 11 figs, 29 refs.


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Last Update: 2022-03-20