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Research progress of detection, monitoring and running safety of bridge-track system for high-speed railway(PDF)


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Research progress of detection, monitoring and running safety of bridge-track system for high-speed railway
GOU Hong-ye12 LIU Chang1 BAN Xin-lin3 MENG Xin3 PU Qian-hui1
(1. School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China; 2. Key Laboratory of High-Speed Railway Engineering of Ministry of Education, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China; 3. China Academy of Railway Sciences Co., Ltd., Beijing 100081, China)
bridge engineering bridge-track structure system of high-speed railway detection and monitoring deformation mapping relationship service performance running safety
To promote the safety performance of bridge-track structure and ensure the structural adaptability and running safety of high-speed railway under complex environmental conditions, the improvement and optimization of detection and monitoring equipment of bridge-track system for high-speed railway were introduced, the dynamic evolution rule of bridge-track structure service performance was analyzed, the evaluation and prediction methods of the running safety of high-speed train under complex conditions were summarized, and the future research priorities and directions were prospected. Research results show that in the detection and monitoring technology research of bridge-track system, existing research focuses on the optimization of traditional detection and monitoring equipment and the deep integration of intelligent technology and damage identification method. The core objective is to improve the efficiency, accuracy and standardization of detection and monitoring of bridge-track structure, and realize the accurate evaluation of infrastructure service status. In the research of bridge-track spatial deformation mapping relationship, considering infrastructure interaction deformation mapping model can accurately describe the change trend, development and spectral characteristics of the track geometry caused by the evolution of the interface state between the structural layers, but lack of in-depth study of high-speed railway bridge-track collaborative design and deformation intelligent control device. The study of structural service performance evolution is mostly based on the idealized elastoplastic constitutive model, and the study of service performance degradation behavior is limited to specific service environment. The research on the traffic safety of high-speed railway bridges under long-term service conditions based on train-track-bridge dynamic interaction theory is being carried out step by step, and the traffic safety evaluation criteria based on different index systems are proposed. Making full use of the monitoring data of bridge-track system, strengthening the research on the performance evolution mechanism and damage failure mechanism of bridge-track structure in complex environment, and proposing new intelligent evaluation and prediction methods for the running safety of high-speed train with high portability under the condition of updated information are the research directions of future focus. 1 tab, 8 figs, 171 refs.


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Last Update: 2022-03-20