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Research on dynamics of rail transit vehicle with tire running gears: state-of-arts and challenges(PDF)


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Research on dynamics of rail transit vehicle with tire running gears: state-of-arts and challenges
REN Li-hui1 LI Wen12 LENG Han1 JI Yuan-jin1 WANG Gang1
(1. Institute of Rail Transit, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China; 2. CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd., Changchun 130061, Jilin, China)
vehicle engineering tire running gear dynamics straddle monorail vehicle suspended monorail vehicle rubber-tired track vehicle rubber-tired tram virtual rail vehicle
The current research progress on the dynamics of several typical rail transit vehicles with tire running gears was summarized, including straddle monorail vehicle, suspended monorail vehicle, rubber-tired track vehicle, rubber-tired tram and virtual rail vehicle. The possible research directions of future dynamics of vehicles were discussed. Research results show that the dynamics research of straddle monorail vehicles has previously focused on anti-roll stability, curving performance, and vehicle-bridge coupling vibration. The critical roll angle theory proposed according to the variation in the anti-roll stability of straddle monorail vehicles expounds the setting principles of the preloadings of stabilizers and guiding wheels, and gives the relationships of the preloadings of stabilizer and guiding wheel with running comfort and curve speed limit. The primary means increasing the speed of straddle monorail vehicle is to develop the tires with better performance and to control the vibration deterioration caused by the increase in the running speed. The studies on the dynamics of suspended monorail vehicles emphasize on the running performance and vehicle-bridge coupling vibration. The tilting characteristics and tilting stability caused by the crosswind are the unique dynamics problems of suspended monorail vehicles. The low-frequency noise of steel track beam caused by the vehicle-bridge coupling vibration remains a problem to be solved. The dynamics research on rubber-tired track vehicles has just begun in China, and the primary issue is improving the lateral ride quality of vehicles. The dynamics research of rubber-tired trams is focused on vehicle running performance and the relationship between guiding wheels and rails. Clarifying the mechanisms and influencing factors of guiding stability is difficult. As a new type of rail transit vehicle, virtual rail vehicles face many new dynamics problems, including tracking control, compatibility between mechanical structure and tracking control strategy, longitudinal force distributions, and distributed drive. Virtual rail vehicles may become a new hotspot in dynamics research of rail transit vehicles with tire running gears. 18 figs, 105 refs.


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Last Update: 2021-12-20