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Dynamics performance and parameter optimization of motor car with body suspension motor variable gauge bogies(PDF)


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Dynamics performance and parameter optimization of motor car with body suspension motor variable gauge bogies
HUANG Zhi-hui1 ZHENG Zhi-wei1 XU Fang2 DAI Xiao-chao2
(1. State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China; 2. National Engineering Technology and Research Center for System Integration of Railway Vehicle, CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd., Changchun 130062, Jilin, China)
variable gauge bogie body suspension stability stationarity curve passing agent model parameter optimization
A dynamics model of a variable gauge bogie motor car(MC)for body suspension motor high-speed electric multiple units(EMUs), which was suitable for 1 435/1 000 mm gauge changes, was established. The bifurcation characteristics of the running stability of the motor car under different wheel-rail matching relations and different wear conditions were calculated on two gauge lines, and the effects of the track gauge and clearance between the wheel flange and gauge line on running stability were calculated. The vertical and lateral stationarities of the vehicle operation and the curve-passing performance of the vehicle under different curve conditions were calculated. The dynamics performance indexes were evaluated in combination with relevant dynamics standards, and the reasons for the differences in the dynamics indexes were briefly analyzed. Twelve suspension parameters of the variable gauge bogie MC with a body suspension motor were taken as factors, five dynamic indexes, including vehicle hunting instability speed, wheel-axle lateral force, wheel-rail vertical force, wheel load reduction rate, and derailment coefficient, were taken as responses. Moreover, the optimal Latin hypercube design method was used for the experimental design. A radial basis function neural network agent model was established and the main suspension parameters of the vehicle were optimized using the NSGA-Ⅱ multi-objective genetic algorithm. Calculation results show that the running stability, stationarity, and curve passing performance of the designed high-speed EMU variable gauge bogie on two gauge lines meets the design requirements under the design conditions. The running stability on the 1 000 mm gauge is better than that of the 1 435 mm gauge, but the running stationarity and curve passing performance are inferior to those of the 1 435 mm gauge. As the optimized suspension parameters consider the running stability, stationarity, and curve passing performance of the vehicle, the vehicle exhibits a better dynamic performance. All the calculated performance indexes meet the relevant standards in the operation of the two gauge lines. 10 tabs, 13 figs, 31 refs.


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Last Update: 2021-10-30