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Mechanism of train tail lateral sway of EMUs in tunnel based on vortex-induced vibration(PDF)


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Mechanism of train tail lateral sway of EMUs in tunnel based on vortex-induced vibration
YAO Yuan1 XU Zhen-fei1 SONG Ya-dong1 SHEN Long-jiang2 LI Chuan-long3
(1. State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China; 2. CRRC Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Co., Ltd., Zhuzhou 412000, Hunan, China; 3. CRRC Dalian Locomotive and Rolling Stock Co., Ltd., Dalian 116022, Liaoning, China)
EMUs lateral dynamics vortex-induced vibration fluid-solid coupling suspension parameters
Aiming at the train tail lateral sway of 160 km·h-1 electric multiple units(EMUs), which occurs in single-track tunnels, the mechanism was put forward that the vortex shedding effect of gas flow in the train tail causes the vortex-induced vibration of the car-body and results in the lateral sway of the train tail. Relevant mitigation measures, such as the optimization of vehicle suspension parameters, were studied. Based on the structural parameters of a certain type of locomotive, the vehicle lateral dynamics model was established and combined with the semi-empirical nonlinear vortex-induced vibrator model to enable the fluid-solid coupling lateral dynamics calculation during the vortex-induced vibration. Calculation results show that a large lateral vortex-induced force acting on the train tail of EMUs in a single-track tunnel and the resonance between the vortex-induced frequency and the car-body hunting frequency are the main causes of car-body sway. Reducing the lateral vortex-induced force and improving the vehicle hunting stability are effective measures to reduce the amplitude of the car-body sway. For this type of locomotive, avoiding wheel-rail contact with a lower equivalent conicity is required to prevent aggravation of the vortex-induced vibration by vehicle primary hunting behavior. When the damping of the yaw damper is reduced from 800 kN·s·m-1 to 400 kN·s·m-1, the lateral vibration acceleration amplitude in the rear end of the car-body during vortex-induced resonance is reduced by 40%. When the semi-active control with skyhook damping in the secondary lateral suspension is adopted, the lateral vibration amplitude of the car-body in the vortex-induced resonance zone is effectively reduced. Moreover, the lateral ride comfort at the front and rear ends of the car-body can be guaranteed. 1 tab, 9 figs, 29 refs.


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Last Update: 2021-10-30