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Measurement method of all-wave airport runway roughness(PDF)


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Measurement method of all-wave airport runway roughness
QIAN Jin-song1 CEN Ye-bo1 LIU Dong-liang1 LI Jun-shi2 LIU Shi-fu1
(1. Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of the Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China; 2. Shanghai Civil Aviation Era Airport Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200335, China)
airport engineering runway roughness all-wave measurement long-wave roughness short-wave roughness virtual prototype simulation vibration response
Combined with vehicle-mounted laser profiler and global navigation satellite mobile positioning system, a method for measuring the all-wave roughness of an airport runway was proposed. The on-situ test was carried out at Jinan Yaoqiang International Airport, and the repeat test and level were used to verify the reliability of this measurement method. A virtual prototype model of B737-800 was built using ADAMS/Aircraft software, and the simulation of aircraft taxiing under the measured runway roughness data was carried out. The influence of the measured data characteristics of the runway under different measuring methods, taxiing speeds, and aircraft positions on the aircraft vibration responses was explored. Research results show that the proposed measuring method can obtain all-wave runway roughness data, which makes up for the defect that the laser profiler is unable to capture wavelengths of above 14 m. When the speed is 80 km·h-1, the fluctuant amplitudes of aircraft vibration responses under all-wave roughness runway are 1.25-2.39 and 1.19-1.85 times that under a long-wave roughness and short-wave roughness, respectively, indicating that aircraft vibration responses under the real runway roughness may be underestimated if only considering long-wave roughness or short-wave roughness. With the increase of aircraft taxiing speed, the differences of aircraft vibration acceleration increase gradually under the all-wave roughness and short-wave roughness. While the differences of dynamic load coefficients first increase and then decrease, and reaching the maximum at the speed of 160 km·h-1, indicating that the effect of long-wave roughness on the runway is more obvious during high-speed taxiing. Compared with the short-wave roughness condition, the increase of cockpit acceleration under all-wave roughness is 0.062 m·s-2 higher than that at the center of gravity on average, and the increase of dynamic load coefficient of nose landing gear is 0.039 higher than that of the main landing gear on average, which shows the effect of long-wave roughness on the vibration in the front part of aircraft is greater than that in the center part of aircraft. In addition, with the increase of taxiing speed, the differences first increase and then decrease. The difference of acceleration is most obvious at speeds between 80-120 km·h-1 with the peak at around 0.078 m·s-2, while the peak of difference of dynamic load coefficient is 0.062 at the speed of 160 km·h-1. 2 tabs, 12 figs, 30 refs.


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Last Update: 2021-10-30