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Review on nano clay modified asphalt based on flame retardant and smoke suppression(PDF)


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Review on nano clay modified asphalt based on flame retardant and smoke suppression
YANG Xiao-long1 SHEN Ai-qin2 JIANG Yi-xin1 WU Han-song2 WANG Guang-chen1
(1. College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, Guangxi, China; 2. School of Highway, Chang'an University, Xi' an 710064, Shaanxi, China)
asphalt pavement flame retardant and smoke suppression hydroxide nano clay flame retardant mechanism test method
The pyrolysis combustion mechanism of asphalt material was analyzed, and the test methods for flame-retardant and smoke-suppression performance of asphalt materials were concluded. The types,advantages, and disadvantages of commonly used asphalt flame retardants in domestic and overseas were investigated. The commonly used flame-retardant technologies of tunnel asphalt materials were studied, and the flame-retardant and smoke-suppression mechanism of nano-modified asphalt was evaluated. The influence of nano-clay on the road performance of asphalt materials was examined in terms of the high- and low-temperature performances, moisture stability, and aging performance. Moreover, the future research directions for flame-retardant and smoke-suppression asphalt materials for tunnels were assessed. Research results show that the flame retardant used in tunnel asphalt materials should have high synergistic flame-retardant and smoke-suppression effects, and the metal hydroxide and nano materials have great application potential. The flame-retardant and smoke-suppression performance testing of asphalt materials mainly includes polymer flame-retardant test methods, but these methods are inconsistent with the actual combustion state of asphalt pavement. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement the flame-retardant and smoke-suppression performance test methods and standards for asphalt materials. Nano-modified materials, such as the nano clay, significantly inhibit the smoke release of hot asphalt. However, current research mainly focuses on the flame-retardant mechanism of nano-materials and polymers, and there is a lack of systematic research on the flame-retardant and smoke-suppression mechanism of nano-modified asphalt. Nano clay significantly improves the high-temperature, moisture stability, and aging performances of asphalt, but there is controversy in the study of low-temperature performance in domestic and overseas. Investigating the technology for the smoke control of hot mix asphalt mixture, metal hydroxide and nano-clay synergistic flame-retardant technology, and flame-retardant performance test methods for asphalt materials should be the focuses of future research on tunnel flame-retardant and smoke-suppression asphalt materials. 3 tabs, 8 figs, 144 refs.


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Last Update: 2021-10-30