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Effect of inner magnetorheological valve on dynamic performance of magnetorheological damper(PDF)


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Effect of inner magnetorheological valve on dynamic performance of magnetorheological damper
HU Guo-liang DENG Ying-jun FENG Hai-bo LI Gang
(Key Laboratory of Conveyance and Equipment of Ministry of Education, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, Jiangxi, China)
vehicle engineering MRD inner MR valve structure design simulation analysis dynamic performance
To improve the output damping force of the damper when the structure size was limited, a magnetorheological(MR)damper was used as the object, and the influence of the inner MR valve structure on the dynamic performance of the MR damper was studied. By improving the piston head structure of the traditional MR damper, an MR valve was built into the damper, an MR damper with an inner valve was designed, its structure and working principle were described. Meanwhile, the magnetic circuit of the damper was reasonably simplified, and the magnetic circuit was analyzed based on Ohm's law. According to the working mode of the MR damper, a mathematical model of the damping force for the MR damper with an inner valve was established. The electromagnetic characteristics of the damper were simulated by using the ANSYS, and the distributions of the magnetic flux densities in the flow channel under different currents were obtained. To verify the rationality of the damper design, a test rig was built to evaluate the dynamic performance of the damper, and the results were compared with those obtained via simulation.Combined with the mathematical model of the damping force, the dynamic performance of the damper was simulated and analyzed by using the MATLAB. Analysis results reveal that the simulation and experimental results were consistent with each other. The various external excitations and velocities have no significant influence on the output damping force. An MR damper with an inner valve can output a stable damping force under different working conditions. The output damping force and the corresponding damping adjustable coefficient increase almost linearly with the excitation current. When the current is 1.2 A, the output damping force reaches 7.521 kN, with the damping adjustable coefficient being 9.7. Therefore, the inner MR valve structure can effectively extend the length of the damping channel under a limited volume,so that the MR damper can output a higher damping force, which provides a wider range of damping adjustment. 1 tab, 18 figs, 30 refs.


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Last Update: 2021-07-20