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Research progress on rail corrugation(PDF)


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Research progress on rail corrugation
ZHU Hai-yan12 YUAN Yao12 XIAO Qian12 LI Jie12 ZHENG Yu-xuan12
(1. School of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, Jiangxi, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Performance Monitoring and Protecting of Rail Transit Infrastructure, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, Jiangxi, China)
rail corrugation dynamics mechanism rail grinding suppression measure
To understand the rail corrugation problem commonly observed in the operation of rail vehicles, its formation mechanism was analyzed. The influence of rail corrugation on the dynamics performance of vehicle-track system was investigated. The common methods for the detection, monitoring, and suppression of rail corrugation were reviewed. In addition, the future research directions of rail corrugation were proposed. Research results show that the coupled vibration, wheel-rail feedback vibration, wheel-rail self-excited vibration, and wheel-rail contact vibration of vehicle-track system are the main causes of rail corrugation. In addition, the coupling of various factors, such as vehicle-track structure, operating condition of line, wheel-rail material, rail profile, and wheel tread profile, also cause the rail corrugation. Heavy load and the corrugations of high-speed railway and metro rail affect the dynamics performance of vehicle-track system and the lifes of vehicle and track components. The vibration characteristics of components, such as the fastener, rail, sleeper, track plate(ballast), and axle box, are also affected. Rail corrugation is also caused when the physical parameters, such as the damping and stiffness of each component, do not match the operating conditions. When a train runs on the corrugated section of a rail for a long time, the rail corrugation causes strong resonance of the vehicle-track structure and leads to severe fatigue damage, affecting the driving safety. The detection and monitoring on the rail corrugation are important auxiliary methods for the research and discovery of rail corrugation. The suppression of rail corrugation is mainly achieved through the measures such as improving the wheel-rail contact relationship, rail grinding, increasing the hardness of rail surface material, adding the related friction adjusters and wheel-rail lubricants, using the rail vibration absorber technology, optimizing the wheel-rail system structure, and adjusting the train operational regulation. At present, rail grinding is still the most direct, effective, and economical measure to eliminate and reduce rail corrugation. Therefore, rail grinding technology should be upgraded and improved. 3 tabs, 14 figs, 103 refs.


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Last Update: 2021-07-20