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Characteristics and vulnerability of rail transit network besed on perspective of passenger flow characteristics(PDF)


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Characteristics and vulnerability of rail transit network besed on perspective of passenger flow characteristics
MA Chao-qun1 ZHANG Shuang1 CHEN Quan2 CAO Rui1 REN Lu1
1. College of Transportation Engineering, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 2. Shenzhen Transportation Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shenzhen 518003, Guangdong, China
urban rail transit topology Space L method passenger flow characteristics passenger demand vulnerability
In order to improve the objectivity of vulnerability assessment of urban rail transit network, passenger demand characteristics were integrated into the calculation of network vulnerability. Based on the static topological structure of urban rail transit network established by using the Space L method, the weighted network of rail transit was established with passenger flow as the weight. Based on the passenger flow index, the station connection strength and weighted node betweenness were proposed to reflect the dynamic network structure characteristics and measure the interaction strength between nodes. Aiming at the spatial-temporal characteristics of passenger flow in urban rail transit network, combined with the demand characteristics of network passenger flow, the passenger effective path subgraph and OD loss rate of network passenger flow under the condition of station failure were defined by using the maximum travel consumption tolerance threshold to evaluate the vulnerability of urban rail transit network. Taking Xi'an urban rail transit network as an example, the features and vulnerability of urban rail transit network were interpreted from the perspective of passenger flow characteristics. Research result shows that the current rail transit network in Xi'an has the characteristic of small world network and its average path length is 10.7. Xiaozhai Station and Beidajie Station are the key nodes of the network, their connection strengths are 166 795 and 149 059, respectively, and their weighted node betweennesses are 0.365 and 0.369, respectively. The interruption of the two stations will result in 40.1% and 39.4% reduction in network efficiency. The passenger travel tolerance threshold greatly affects the importance ranking of the stations in the network. With the increase of passenger travel tolerance threshold, the network vulnerability gradually decreases. The correlation between vulnerability and betweenness is stronger than those with degree and intensity. With the increase of travel tolerance threshold, the correlation between weighted betweenness and vulnerability gradually decreases. Therefore, the calculation indicators and methods proposed in this paper highlight the impact of passenger flow characteristics and passenger demand on the vulnerability of rail transit network, which can well reflect the functional characteristics of rail transit network. 4 tabs, 8 figs, 30 refs.


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