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Hunting control of high-speed train using traction motor as dynamic absorber(PDF)


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Hunting control of high-speed train using traction motor as dynamic absorber
ZHANG Wei-hua1 LUO Ren1 SONG Chun-yuan12 FAN Jun2
1. State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China; 2. CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd., Changchun 130062, Jilin, China
vehicle engineering Fuxing high-speed EMU traction motor flexible suspension on bogie frame hunting stability dynamic absorber
The traction motor of power bogie of CR400BF Fuxing high-speed EMU adopted the unique four-point elastic suspension mode, and the transverse oil dampers and bump stops were installed between the motor and bogie frame. For the first time, the traction motors were used as dynamic absorbers to control the hunting stability and hunting frequency of the bogie, and further to avoid the elastic modal resonance of car body. Considering the nonlinearity of suspension parameters and wheel/rail contact, a nonlinear multi-body dynamics simulation model of Fuxing EMU was established. The influence of key parameters on the hunting was analyzed by the suspension modal calculation and dynamics time-domain simulation of power vehicle. Based on the principle of using the traction motor as a dynamic absorber, the lateral stiffness of motor node and the damping of oil damper were optimized. Considering the random wheel/rail matching factors in the EMU operation, 400 wheel/rail random matching states were combined to analyze the dynamics performances of the EMU. The long-term dynamics tracking test of the EMU on line was carried out, and the development of hunting phenomenon of power bogie was obtained. The simulation and test results show that the frequency spectrum of bogie frame's lateral acceleration under the motor's elastic suspension changes from a single peak with the hunting frequency as the main frequency to double peaks with the main frequency on both sides of the hunting frequency, which indicates that the motor acts as a dynamic absorber. Taking the motor as a mass damper can improve the hunting stability of motor vehicle. The nonlinear critical speeds under typical wheel/rail matchings with different equivalent conicities exceed 500 km·h-1. The highest hunting frequency of motor vehicle is around 6 Hz, which is far away from the diagonal distortion mode frequency 8.5 Hz of car body. Therefore, the elastic resonance of car body caused by the bogie hunting is avoided. Under the excitation of random track irregularity, the transverse acceleration at the end of bogie frame is less than 0.5g, the spelling index is less than 2.5, and the wheelset lateral force and derailment coefficient meet the requirements. 10 figs, 29 refs.


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Last Update: 2020-10-20