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Improvement of fracture failure criterion of body adhesive structure(PDF)


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Improvement of fracture failure criterion of body adhesive structure
NA Jing-xin1 LOU Fei1 JI Jun-dong2 LI Feng3
1. State Key Laboratory of Automotive Simulation and Control, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, Jilin, China; 2. China National Heavy Duty Truck Group Co., Ltd., Jinan 250100, Shandong, China; 3. School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, Jilin, China
vehicle engineering lightweight body adhesive structure failure criterion improvement research VUMAT subroutine
The existing failure criterion cannot meet the real failure prediction of bonding structures.Thus, a stress-based fracture failure criterion was established by combining an experimental test and simulation analysis. Five groups of ISR-7008/aluminum alloy bonding joints with typical pull-shear ratios were designed. Quasi-static tensile tests were carried out on the five groups of bonding joints with different pull-shear ratios. The initial fracture load and the maximum fracture load were obtained. The initial location of adhesive fracture failure point was determined. A simulation model of the bonding joint was developed. The initial fracture load was applied to the simulation model. The stresses at the initial fracture point in the failure area of the five joints with typical pull-shear ratios were extracted. Through the ratio and linear combination of various stresses at the failure point, an equivalent stress calculation formula was obtained. Based on the equivalent stress calculation formula, a unified failure criterion suitable for the initial failure and subsequent failure was obtained. A verification test plan was designed. The validity of failure criterion was illustrated by comparing the test results and simulation results. Analysis result shows that the fracture load obtained by the simulation analysis in the 75°scarf joint is 1 717.6 N, while the fracture load obtained by the test is 1 936.4 N. The relative error is 11.3%. The simulation results are consistent with the failure process of bonding layer tested in the experiment. The failure criteria established in this study are verified. The unification of initial failure criterion and subsequent failure criterion of the bonded structure is realized in the stress-based failure criterion established in this study.The failure of bonding joints under complex stress conditions can be predicted more accurately. The simulation problem of the thick layer of elastic adhesive is solved by this failure criterion. A certain reference for the strength design of bonding structure in practical engineering applications is provided. 1 tab, 11 figs, 31 refs.


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Last Update: 2020-10-20