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Effective protection distance of HDPE board fence in Golmud-Korla Railway(PDF)


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Effective protection distance of HDPE board fence in Golmud-Korla Railway
ZHANG Kai12 WANG Qi-cai12 ZHANG Xing-xin1 ZHAO Pei-wen3
1. School of Civil Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China; 2. National and Provincial Joint Engineering Laboratory of Road and Bridge Disaster Prevention and Control, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China; 3. School of Economics and Management, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
railway fence porosity height numerical simulation effective protection distance
The field sand test section of the Golmud-Korla Railway was taken as the research object, and the sand flow field around the HDPE board fence was studied through the numerical simulation. The relationships between the effective protection distance of HDPE board fence and its porosity and height under different initial wind speeds was given. Research result shows that when the air flow passes through the HDPE boardfence, the air flow speed decreases rapidly in front of the fence, and recovers quickly after the fence. After a certain distance, it gradually returns to the initial wind speed. The air flow speed is distributed in a V shape. The trends of air flow speed reduction and increase gradually decrease with the increase of the porosity of HDPE board fence. Under the same porosity, when the initial wind speed is 6, 24 m·s-1, respectively, the difference between the recirculation zone on the leeward side of HDPE board fence is 4.5 times of the height of HDPE board fence. When the porosity is 60%, the minimum air wind speed is 8.9 m·s-1, and the backflow on the leeward side of HDPE board fence disappears. As the porosity of HDPE board fence increases, the minimum air flow speed gradually increases. The porosity of HDPE board fence has a limit porosity that the leeward side of fence does not occur, which is 40%-60%. When the porosity is less than 50%, the effective protection distance increases gradually as the porosity of HDPE board increases. When the porosity is greater than 50%, as the porosity of HDPE board increases, the effective protection distance decreases gradually. When the porosity tends to 100%, its effective protection distance is almost 0. Therefore, the optimal porosity of HDPE board fence is 50%. As the height increases, the distance of returning to the initial wind speed after the fence increases. Under the same wind speed, the effective protection distance of HDPE board fence with 50% porosity is 1.35 times of that with 25% porosity. The HDPE board fence with 40%-50% porosity is suggested to use when installing on site. The height of fence should appropriately increase if the economy permits, so as to ensure the roadbed being free from the sand erosion. 16 figs, 30 refs.


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Last Update: 2020-10-20