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Review on ultra-high strength concrete filled steel tubes(PDF)


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Review on ultra-high strength concrete filled steel tubes
CHEN Bao-chun1 LI Li1 LUO Xia1 WEI Jian-gang12 LAI Xiu-ying3 LIU Jun-ping1 DING Qing-jun4 LI Cong1
1. School of Civil Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, Fujian, China; 2. School of Civil Engineering, Fujian University of Technology, Fuzhou 350118, Fujian, China; 3. School of Civil Engineering, Putian University, Putian 351100, Fujian, China; 4. School of Material Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China
bridge engineering UCFST classification of CFST mechanical properties shrinkage properties interfacial bond properties preparation of core UHSC review
To understand the research status of the ultra-high strength concrete filled steel tube(UCFST), the strength development processes in steel tubes and core concrete in concrete filled steel tube(CFST)were analyzed. A set of concise CFST classification and abbreviation methods were put forward according to the combination of different strength grades of these two materials. The basic mechanical, shrinkage and interfacial bond properties of UCFST, and the main influencing factors were summarized. The technical requirements of core ultra-high strength concrete(UHSC)were discussed, and future research directions were proposed. Analysis result shows that UCFST can be fabricated and researched in two ways: UHSC and ultra-high strength steel(UHSS). The former is the main material used in China, while the latter lags behind in its practical application is less. Although the basic mechanical properties of the UCFST have been tested, the research is incomplete and research at the structural level is rarely conducted. Research on UCFST mainly focuses on the component level, but the amount of testing is relatively small, and analysis focuses on axially loaded stub columns. There is no research on UCFST components under shear, torsion, and residual composite forces. In terms of material combinations, research attention is mostly placed on UCFST within UHSC as core concrete, followed by UCFST within both UHSC and UHSS, with only a few studies addressing other combinations. The researche on strength matching between steel tubes and core concrete has just begun, and additional studies should be proposed, focusing on the UCFST with reasonable matching. Debonding occurs between the core UHSC and steel tube because of the high autogenous shrinkage of the former. Hence, additional experimental research on the shrinkage properties and normal interfacial bond strength of the UCFST should be conducted to understand the true interfacial state. The working environment, construction conditions, and influence on the UCFST composite performance of core UHSC materials should be considered. The core UHSC materials are mainly required for ultra-high strength, low shrinkage(or micro expansion), and high fluidity, but the durability not has to be emphasized. The UHSC mix may have fibers of low volume content or even no fibers. 2 tabs, 2 figs, 187 refs.


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Last Update: 2020-10-20