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Load identification and distribution characteristics of high-speed train bogie frame(PDF)


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Load identification and distribution characteristics of high-speed train bogie frame
CHEN Dao-yun12 LIN Feng-tao1 SUN Shou-guang2 MOU Ming-hui3 XIAO Qian1
1. Key Laboratory of Conveyance and Equipment of Ministry of Education, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, Jiangxi, China; 2. School of Mechanical, Electronic and Control Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China; 3. Modern Educational and Technological Center, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, Jiangxi, China
vehicle engineering load identification truncated singular method kernel density estimation load spectrum distribution
The bogie frame of a certain model high-speed train was taken as the research object, the load identification and distribution characteristics of high-speed train bogie frame was studied. The principle of identifying frame load based on the dynamic stress response was analyzed, and the frame load was back deduced and identified based on the truncated singular method. The extreme value distribution characteristics of frame load were analyzed by the kernel density estimation method, and the extreme value ranges of frame load under different occurrence probabilities were obtained based on the 3σ criterion. The two-dimensional load spectrum of frame load was compiled by the rain-flow counting method, and the two-dimensional load spectrum was equivalent to one-dimensional load spectrum based on the Goodman equation. Based on the one dimensional load spectrum, the cumulative frequency distribution rule of loads in each load system was analyzed. Analysis result shows that for the object studied in this paper, when the number of truncation is 1, the relative error of load identification result is the smallest. The probability density distributions of the minimum load and maximum load are symmetrical relative to the longitudinal axis of coordinate system. The larger the load range is, the lower the probability density is. The maximum and minimum load ranges of gearbox load system are the largest, the maximum load extremum is 25 kN. The braking load system, lateral rolling load system and transverse load system are the second, the maximum load is 15 kN. The maximum load of floating load system is about 5 kN. The extreme value of torsional load system is the smallest, and the maximum load is about 3 kN. With the increase of occurrence probability, the occurrence range of extreme value of each load system increases gradually. The two-dimensional load spectrums of all load systems have obvious load frequency extremums that appear in the low amplitude region. For the one-dimensional cumulative frequency distribution of load spectrum after the equivalence of two-dimensional load spectrum, the total cumulative frequency time of each load system is almost equivalent. The maximum load amplitude of gearbox load system is significantly greater than those of other load systems. From large to small, the maximum load amplitudes of other load systems are lateral rolling load system, braking load system, floating load system, transverse load system and torsional load system, respectively. 3 tabs, 7 figs, 33 refs.


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Last Update: 2020-08-20