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Collaborative method of vehicle conflict resolution in merging area for intelligent expressway(PDF)


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Collaborative method of vehicle conflict resolution in merging area for intelligent expressway
YANG Min1 WANG Li-chao1 ZHANG Jian1 RAN Bin1 WU Jing-xian2
(1. School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, Jiangsu, China; 2. Business School, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China)
traffic information intelligent expressway vehicle-road coordination cooperative game merging area coordinated decision
According to the characteristics of the entire process of connected autonomous vehicles approaching the merging area, the coordination control process of the vehicles driving in the intelligent expressway merging area was set. Aiming at solving the problem of conflict risk in expressway merging area, the factors such as vehicle time demand intensity, vehicle type, and driving intention were considered, and the conflict resolution coordination method of connected autonomous vehicles in expressway merging area was proposed based on cooperative game theory. The vehicle passing merging area under different conditions was simulated and verified by using MATLAB. Simulation result shows that coordination rules of the vehicles driving in the intelligent expressway merging area can realize the coordination of connected autonomous vehicles' passing request. Under the action of cooperative game, the vehicle adjustment decision with the lowest virtual payment cost in the conflict system can be further realized. The degree of vehicle system virtual risk in merging area decreases with the decrease of speed. When the coordination decision is strictly implemented, the connected autonomous vehicles have higher stability in the process of passing merging area. When the length of potential conflict point is within a certain range, the cooperative game effect of two connected autonomous vehicles with the same speed is better than the effect of vehicles with different speeds. The cooperative method reduces the virtual payment cost of the conflict resolution process by 9%-14%, and greatly improves the safety of the process of passing merging area of connected autonomous vehicles.2 tabs, 10 figs, 30 refs.


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Last Update: 2020-07-10