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Time series finite element analysis of support of slope excavation(PDF)


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Time series finite element analysis of support of slope excavation
YAN Qiang12 LIAN Xiang-dong1 LING Jian-ming2
(1. Guangxi Communications Investment Group Corporation Ltd., Nanning 530021, Guangxi, China; 2. School of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China)
highway slop reconstruction and expansion excavation support displacement stress safety factor
In order to study the influence factors of slope stability of highway reconstruction and expansion project and to seek scientific support methods, the Liuzhou to Nanning Expressway K1456+800 left-hand reconstruction expansion slope was selected as the research subject, the finite element numerical model was built by using ANSYS, and two support methods were selected as the late support and timely support. The shear strain increment, horizontal and vertical displacement increments of the slope body during the excavation of 6-grade slope in the reconstruction and expansion project were simulated. For the quantitative analysis of the trend of displacement and stress during the excavation of slope under two support conditions, 6 special nodes were selected for the monitoring. The main monitoring contents include the displacement of measuring point(including the horizontal displacement and vertical displacement), and the change of principal stress(including the maximum principal stress and the minimum principal stress)with the excavation step. Analysis result shows that whether or not it is supported in time, the maximum shear strain at each step is at the foot of slope, however, the distribution area and shear strain increments of timely support are smaller than those of late support, and the probability of slope failure is low. With the excavation, the horizontal displacement increment decreases first and then increases slightly, the vertical displacement increment increases sharply first and then decreases slowly, and the final displacement of each measuring point under the timely support is smaller than the value under the late support. When it isn't supported in time, the safety factor is close to 1.0 finally. In case of timely support, the safety factor increases greatly at each step, basically greater than 1.35. As mentioned above, the timely support can reduce the shear strain of slope, limit the horizontal and vertical displacements, reduce the overall stress level, improve the safety factor, and significantly improve the stability of slope. 3 tabs, 18 figs, 33 refs.


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Last Update: 2020-07-10