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Safety evaluation and action mechanism of frost heave with local water storage in shallow tunnel(PDF)


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Safety evaluation and action mechanism of frost heave with local water storage in shallow tunnel
WANG Dao-yuan12 YUAN Jin-xiu2 ZHU Yong-quan1 LUAN Yong-jun3 CUI Hai-long3 CUI Guang-yao4
(1. School of Civil Engineering, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang 050043, Hebei, China; 2. Department of Civil Engineering, Hebei Jiaotong Vocational and Technical College, Shijiazhuang 050091, Hebei, China; 3. Hebei Construction Group Corporation Limited,Baoding 071000, Hebei, China; 4. School of Civil Engineering, North China University of Technology, Beijing 100144, China)
tunnel engineering local water storage frost heave action mechanism safety evaluation numerical calculation model test
To reveal the action mechanism of frost heave with local water storage and put forward the effective safety evaluation method of lining structure in cold region tunnels, the three-dimensional geomechanical model test was designed. By setting three different frost heave test conditions with different water accumulation ranges, the crack development and stress of lining structure were observed during the frost heave. The numerical calculation method of frost heave with local water storage was improved. The numerical model of frost heave based on the rock mechanics method and coupled with the frost heaving force and surrounding rock load was established. Under different locations, thicknesses and ranges of water storage, the change laws of tunnel frost heaving force and structural internal force were compared. The influence mechanism of frost heave with local water storage on the stress of tunnel was further revealed, and the safety of lining structure was evaluated. Analysis result shows that the frost heave with local water storage has significant regional characteristics, and the frost heave cracking of lining occurs at the junction between the local water storage and the non water storage, the magnitude of frost heave depends on the stress concentration effect caused by the frost heave at the junction. The lining cracks are mostly longitudinal and oblique. The most disadvantageous positions of local water storage frost heave of lining are the arch foot, side wall, invert arch, waist and vault from the best to the worst. The stress of lining increases with the increase of local water storage thickness. The stress of lining tends to be uniform with the increase of local water storage area. Under the conditions of frost heave with local water storage in different parts, the allowable pressure stress ratios of lining structure are less than 1, meeting the requirements of code. The allowable tensile stress ratios of vault, arch waist and invert are greater than 1, not meeting the requirements of code. In the actual project, the appropriate measures should be taken to prevent the frost heave in the above parts. The revealed action mechanism of frost heave with local water storage and the established safety evaluation method of lining structure can provide a certain theoretical basis for the prevention and control of tunnel frost damage in cold areas. 5 tabs, 12 figs, 33 refs.


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Last Update: 2020-07-10