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Research on crashworthiness of civil aircraft fuselage structures(PDF)


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Research on crashworthiness of civil aircraft fuselage structures
MOU Hao-lei XIE Jiang FENG Zhen-yu
(College of Airworthiness, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin 300300, China)
aeronautical science and engineering crashworthy building block approach impact test finite element simulation failure mode energy-absorbing characteristic compliance verification
The civil aircraft fuselage structure was considered as the study objective, according to the different levels of crashworthy building block approach, including coupons, elements, details, sub-components, components, and full-scale aircraft, the crashworthy tests and numerical simulation of civil aircraft fuselage structures were elaborated. The crashworthy researches on sub-components(sub-cargo fuselage sections)and components(fuselage sections)in the world were summarized, the crash failure modes of fuselage section were compared and analyzed, and the crashworthy design methods of fuselage sections were described. The crashworthy compliance verification and evaluation methods of civil aircraft fuselage structures were elaborated, and the prospect of future researches on the crashworthy design, verification and certification of civil aircraft fuselage structures was proposed. Research result shows that the failures of materials and connection structures are the main failure modes during the crash process of civil aircraft fuselage section, the material constitutive model and the connection structure failure model can significantly affect the crashworthy simulation analysis. The more accurate material constitutive models and connection structure modeling techniques need to be developed to improve the dynamic simulation maturity. The crashworthiness can be effectively improved by arranging the energy-absorbing structures in the fuselage structure, the more efficient and stable design scheme and layout of energy-absorbing structures need to be developed to maximize the crashworthy performance. The tests and simulation analysis of details and sub-components can provide the innovative solutions to evaluate the failure modes, damage mechanisms and energy-absorbing capabilities, and the high-precision test technology and finite element simulation analysis technology need to be developed to effectively support the crashworthy design, verification, and certification for the components and full-scale aircraft. The crashworthy evaluation methods and optimization methods with uncertain parameters need to be developed to avoid additional tests and later configuration changes. The crashworthy building block approach can be systematically conducted to effectively support the finite element model verification and evaluation, and the finite element simulation technology verified through the crashworthy building block approach needs to be developed to reduce the crashworthy verification time and cost, and to guide the crashworthy test design and structural design.1 tab, 38 figs, 125 refs.


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Last Update: 2020-07-10