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Dynamic properties of fused silica sand based on dynamic triaxial test(PDF)


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Dynamic properties of fused silica sand based on dynamic triaxial test
WEI Ping12 BAO Ning2 WEI Jing2 CHEN Jian-feng3
(1. School of Engineering and Surveying, Beijing Polytechnic College, Beijing 100042, China; 2. School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China; 3. College of Civil Engineering,Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)
road material fused silica sand dynamic triaxial test cumulative axial strain dynamic pore pressure dynamic elastic modulus
To investigate the dynamic deformation and strength of fused silica sand in the process of liquefaction under vibration load, and promote the application of transparent soil technology in the dynamic characteristics visualization model test of geotechnical engineering, the dynamic triaxial tests on the saturated fused silica sand specimens with typical sizes(0.5-1.0 mm)forming the skeleton structure of transparent sand were carried out. The cumulative axial strain, development mode of dynamic pore pressure, attenuation of dynamic stress, and change rules of dynamic elastic modulus and damping ratio of fused silica sand specimens under the working conditions of different confining pressures, loading frequencies and dynamic stress ratios were studied, and the test results were compared with those of standard sand with the same gradation. Analysis result shows that the cumulative axial strain of fused silica sand changes from a stable type to a destructive type with the increase of dynamic stress ratio. The critical dynamic stress ratio is 0.150-0.175 as the loading frequency ranges from 0.5 Hz to 1.5 Hz, which is less than that of standard sand of 0.200-0.225. Increasing the confining pressure and dynamic stress ratio and decreasing the loading frequency will accelerate the accumulation of plastic strain of specimen and shorten the liquefaction failure time. With the increase of confining pressure, the development mode of pore pressure gradually changes from the Seed model to the exponential model. Increasing the dynamic stress will increase the vibration amplitude of pore pressure after the liquefaction failure. Under the same dynamic stress ratio, the dynamic stress changes of fused silica sand and standard sand are linearly correlated with the dynamic strain. When the confining pressure is greater than 200 kPa, the dynamic stress attenuation amplitude decreases with the increase of confining pressure. The relationship between dynamic elastic modulus and damping ratio is linear. The dynamic elastic modulus decreases hyperbolically with the increase of dynamic strain and increases as the confining pressure increases. The damping ratio increases first with the increase of dynamic strain and then basically stabilizes at 0.22, and its development curve is less affected by the confining pressure. 4 tabs, 10 figs, 30 refs.


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Last Update: 2020-05-22