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Research progress on wheel polygons of rail vehicles(PDF)


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Research progress on wheel polygons of rail vehicles
ZHU Hai-yan1 HU Hua-tao1 YIN Bi-chao1 WU Ping-bo2 ZENG Jing2 XIAO Qian1
(1. School of Mechatronics and Vehicle Engineering, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, Jiangxi, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China)
vehicle engineering high-speed train wheel polygon dynamics influence mechanism
Aiming at the problem of wheel polygons common to rail vehicles, the effects of wheel polygons on the dynamics performance of rail vehicles were described from the aspects of rail vehicle stability, curve passing ability, and stability, and the impact of wheel polygons on the vehicle-track system components was evaluated from the perspective of fatigue life.The formation mechanism of wheel polygon was classified based on the research of wheel-axle and track structural characteristics, wheel-rail dynamic effect, wheel materials and processing technology. The existing methods of wheel polygon detection and control were summarized by summarizing the influence of wheel polygons and their causes. The research prospects of wheel polygons were proposed to provide a reference for the subsequent research on wheel polygons. Research result shows that the wheel polygon will threaten the stability of vehicle system, reduce the curve passing performance and vehicle stability, affect the passengers' comfort, and cause resonance fatigue damage to vehicle-track components. The wheel-axle resonance is one of the causes of low-speed vehicle wheel polygons. The response of rails under the external excitation and local modes are also necessarily related to the formation of wheel polygons. The wheel-rail friction vibration is generally applicable to explain the generation of wheel polygons for all rail vehicles. The wheel's own material characteristics and manufacturing repair process are also potential factors to reduce the wheel polygon phenomenon. Dynamic and static detections are one of the methods to deal with the wheel polygon phenomenon. In addition, the wheel polygon phenomenon can be controlled by optimizing the structure of vehicle-track system, strengthening the wheel production process, and timely correcting the roundness of wheel tread. Wheel repair is still the most direct means to deal with the wheel polygon, and the repair process should be improved. 1 tab, 13 figs, 97 refs.


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Last Update: 2020-03-24