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Definition of autonomous ship and its autonomy level(PDF)


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Definition of autonomous ship and its autonomy level
ZHOU Xiang-yu12 WU Zhao-lin1 WANG Feng-wu1 LIU Zheng-jiang1
(1. Navigation College, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, Liaoning, China; 2. Centre for Maritime Studies, National University of Singapore, Singapore 118414)
marine engineering autonomous ship autonomy level autonomous evolution path task scenario navigation practice
The development history of autonomous ship was sorted out, its definition was clarified, and its Chinese and English expressions were normalized. The relationship among the ship's automation, intelligence and autonomy was discussed based on the evolution path of autonomy. The taxonomies of autonomy level of 6 authoritative institutions in the world were summarized, the essence and limitation of taxonomy basis were deeply analyzed. Taking the task scenarios as objects and referring to 7 functions of seafarers' standards of competency in the STCW Convention, a taxonomy method of autonomy levels based on navigation practice was proposed. The method identified the levels of task scenarios according to water condition, complexity of operation, and independence from human intervention, and the overall autonomy levels of the ship were determined by the calculation result of the calibration equation. Two test ships carrying autonomous navigation technology were taking as examples, the classification results of autonomy levels of different institutions were compared. Analysis result shows that the key to the taxonomy basis of autonomy level is whether the autonomous ship can independently complete the corresponding task or achieve the corresponding function from the human intervention, rather than depending on the ship automation level or decision-making location. The taxonomy method of autonomy levels based on the navigation practice can reflect the autonomy level of the ship more objectively, and effectively avoid the disadvantage of inaccurate identification of overall autonomy level of the ship due to the autonomous implement of a single function. Therefore, the proposed method is scientific and reasonable. 12 tabs, 8 figs, 34 refs.


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Last Update: 2020-01-13