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Temporal-spatial features of probability distribution of vertical irregularity in ballasted track(PDF)


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Temporal-spatial features of probability distribution of vertical irregularity in ballasted track
SHEN Jian-feng12
(1. CCCC Investment Company Limited, Beijing 100029, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China)
railway engineering ballasted track vertical irregularity three-parameter probability distribution temporal feature spatial feature
To study the optimum probability distribution function and the temporal-spatial features of vertical irregularity standard deviations on different sections of ballasted track, the three-parameter probability distribution function was used to fit the features of peak value and the tail of vertical irregularity standard deviations of ballasted track. Five three-parameter theoretical distribution functions were selected, and the selection principle of the optimum probability distribution function was determined. Taking the existing Shanghai-Kunming Line as an example, the optimum probability distribution functions of vertical irregularity standard deviations on six different linear sections of ballasted track were fitted. The temporal feature of vertical irregularity standard deviation was analyzed. The variations of distribution function parameters with time were fitted by non-linear functions. The spatial feature of vertical irregularity standard deviation was analyzed. The differences of track quality statuses in spatial dimension were compared. Analysis result shows that in the large value region of vertical irregularity standard deviations, the relative error between the theoretical value obtained from the three-parameter Lognormal distribution and the actual value is less than 5%, while the relative error between the theoretical value obtained from the normal distribution and the actual value is more than 50%. Therefore, the three-parameter probability distribution function can effectively solve the deviated problem between the theoretical value of two-parameter probability distribution function and the actual value in this region. When describing the statistical distribution features of linear sections, different distribution functions should be selected on different linear sections, and the same distribution function should be selected on the same linear section. On the bridge and tunnel sections of existing Shanghai-Kunming Line, the Burr distribution obtains the optimum probability distribution for five times, and the mean and standard deviation of difference of P values are 0.09 and 0.12, respectively. When using the non-linear function to fit the parameters of the distribution obeyed by the vertical irregularity standard deviation on each section, the fitting goodnesses of three parameters are all greater than 0.6. Therefore, the non-linear function can be used to fit the variations of three parameters with time. Both the over-range percentages of vertical irregularity standard deviations on bridge and tunnel sections before and after the repair and maintenance operations are less than 3%. The over-range percentages of vertical irregularity standard deviations on circular, transition and straight line sections are 3.5%-12.8%, while the values on the speed-limit and switch sections are greater than 25%. Therefore, the determined selection principle of the optimum probability distribution function can be used to study the probability distribution feature of track irregularity. 6 tabs, 8 figs, 32 refs.


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Last Update: 2020-01-13