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Bending performance of circle tubular up-flange steel and concrete composite girder with concrete flange(PDF)


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Bending performance of circle tubular up-flange steel and concrete composite girder with concrete flange
DUAN Lan1 WANG Chun-sheng1 ZHU Jing-wei1 ZHAI Xiao-liang2
(1. School of Highway, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 2. CCCC First Highway Consultants Co., Ltd., Xi'an 710075, Shaanxi, China)
bridge engineering circle tubular up-flange composite girder bending behavior test capacity ductility
The different loading methods and widths of bottom flange were considered, the bending behavior experiments were conducted for 3 circle tubular up-flange steel and concrete composite girders with concrete flange, and their bending performances and failure modes were analyzed. Based on the bending characteristics of test girders, the simplified formulas of yielding moment and ultimate moment of composite girder were derived. Research result shows that all test girders fail in typically plastic bending mode and have satisfied stability. When attaining the ultimate capacity, the measured slips between the upper flange steel tube and concrete flange are no more than 0.43 mm at the beam ends, which shows the excellent overall working ability for the test beams. The stiffness and bending capacity of test girder increase with increasing the width of bottom flange. The width of bottom flange is 150, 260, and 300 mm, respectively, the corresponding ratio of yield moments is 1: 1.44: 1.55, and the ratio of ultimate bending capacities is 1: 1.31: 1.40. With the bending moment of test girder increasing, when the plastic neutral axis rises to the concrete flange, the concrete filled steel tubular flange is in tension, and the confinement effect between the steel tube and inner filled concrete may be neglected. When the plastic neutral axis locates in the up-flange concrete filled steel tube, the confinement effect between the steel tube and inner filled concrete may be neglected in the calculation of ultimate bending capacity, but it may enhance the ductility of test girder. The displacement ductility coefficients of test girders are all greater than 3.35, therefore, the test girders have good ductility. The ratios of theoretical to experimental values of yield bending moment and ultimate bending moment are between 1.02 and 1.04, and between 0.96 and 1.03, respectively, which shows good agreement between the theoretical calculation results and test results. Thus, the simplified theoretical formulas are simple and reliable. 3 tabs, 14 figs, 27 refs.


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Last Update: 2019-02-28