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Runoff characteristics for straightline segment asphalt pavement based on two-dimensional shallow water equations(PDF)


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Runoff characteristics for straightline segment asphalt pavement based on two-dimensional shallow water equations
GENG Yan-fen1 CHEN Xian-hua1 CHEN Yue2 MA Yao-lu1 HUANG Xiao-ming1
(1. School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, Jiangsu, China; 2. Liaoning ProvincialTransportation Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd., Shenyang 110000, Liaoning, China)
pavement engineering asphalt pavement runoff two-dimensional shallow water equation numerical simulation pavement width pavement slope
Based on the hydrodynamic method of two-dimensional shallow water equations, a numerical model of straightline segment asphalt pavement runoff was proposed. According to the monitoring result of asphalt pavement runoff variation under the actual rainfall conditions, the model parameters were validated. The influences of geometric parameters such as the pavement width, slope combination, and drainage method on the temporal and spatial variations in the pavement runoff were analyzed. Research result shows that under the designed rainfall conditions, the pavement runoff exhibits strong two-dimensional characteristics in the spatial distribution. The runoff depth variation process includes the increasing period, steady-state runoff and retreat. Under the condition of decentralized drainage, when the pavement width is 11, 15, 20, 25 and 30 m, respectively, the maximum pavement runoff depth is 11.87, 14.39, 17.08, 19.69 and 21.98 mm, respectively, and the retreat time is 1.4, 1.4, 2.4, 2.9 and 3.4 min, correspondingly. The increment of pavement runoff depth decreases as the pavement width increases. The retreat time of pavement runoff increases with the addition of pavement width. Comparing with the carriageway, the retreat time in shoulder area increases by approximately 20%. A larger slope combination(the cross slope is 3% and the longitudinal slope is 2%)is beneficial to the drainage. When adopting the central drainage, the block of curbs leads to the formation of backwater on the roadside. The width of backwater area is 6-8 m, and its proportion decreases with the increase of pavement width. In the no-backwater area, the pavement runoff depth shows a similar change to that when using the decentralized drainage. To ensure the driving safety, a reasonable pavement slope should be set to reduce the confluence time of pavement runoff. The blocking effect of curbs on the pavement runoff is obvious, thus, the height of curbs and outlets interval should be set reasonably in the drainage design to avoid the formation of backwater in the carriageway. 2 tabs, 7 figs, 30 refs.


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Last Update: 2019-02-28