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Optimization methods for traffic signal control of isolated intersection under rainy weather(PDF)


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Optimization methods for traffic signal control of isolated intersection under rainy weather
LI Yan12 NAN Si-rui2 MA Jing3 ZHOU Wen-hui2 CHEN Kuan-min2
(1. CCCC First Highway Consultants Co., Ltd., Xi'an 710075, Shaanxi, China; 2. School of Highway, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 3. Periodical Office, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China)
intelligent transportation system traffic signal control rainy weather isolated intersection simulated annealing algorithm parameter estimation traffic simulation
To improve the efficiency of traffic signal control at an isolated intersection under rainy weather, a traffic signal timing method was established by introducing a rainy correction coefficient. The high-resolution video of the isolated intersection under rainy weather was analyzed by using the motion analysis software, the characteristics of the saturation flow rate, lost time, and approaching speed under rainy weather were calibrated, and the rainy correction coefficients of the saturation flow rate, lost time, and approaching speed were established. A optimization model was proposed based on the simulated annealing algorithm, and the correction coefficients under various rainfall intensity levels were calculated. A VISSIM-based simulation environment was built, and the isolated intersection traffic signal control effect of the proposed model was evaluated under rainy weather. The traffic efficiencies of the isolated intersection using pre-timed timing control and actuated timing control with optimized parameters were compared. Analysis result indicates that the average headways under little rain, moderate rain, and heavy or torrential rain increase by 0.314%, 1.256%, and 2.871%, respectively, the average lost times increase by 1.042%, 2.829%, and 3.424%, respectively. When the flow rate is lower than 600 pcu·(h·lane)-1, the improved actuated control exhibits better performance and its average delay is 12%-23% lower than that of the original plan. When the flow rate is higher than 600 pcu·(h·lane)-1, the effect of pre-timed control with the optimization is better, and the average delay is 13%-25% lower than that of the original plan, which can delay the lockout states under the saturated and over-saturated conditions and lead to the lowest delay. 6 tabs, 12 figs, 30 refs.


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Last Update: 2018-05-30