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Robust optimization on distributing routes of hazardous materials based on bi-level programming(PDF)


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Robust optimization on distributing routes of hazardous materials based on bi-level programming
MA Chang-xi HE Rui-chun XIONG Rui-qi
(School of Traffic and Transportation, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China)
traffic planning hazardous material distributing route bi-level programming robust model multi-objective optimization hybrid algorithm
To solve the optimization problem for the hazardous materials distributing routes(HMDR)with multi-distribution centers and time windows in uncertain environments, a robust optimization method with robust control parameters was proposed. Comprehensively considering the transportation risk, transportation cost and service time window in hazardous materials distributing routes, a multi-objective bi-level optimization model was constructed. The upper-level model was used to minimize the transportation risk and transportation cost. The lower-level model was constructed as the user equilibrium traffic distribution model. With the Bertsimas-Sim robust optimization theory, the robust peer-to-peer transformation was performed on the upper-level model with uncertain parameters. The enhanced Pareto genetic algorithm and Frank-Wolfe algorithm were combined to form a hybrid algorithm to solve the multi-objective bi-level robust optimization model. The three-stage coding and decoding method, equipotent matching crossover operation and flipping mutation operation were used to solve the upper-level model, and the Frank-Wolfe algorithm was used to solve the lower-level model. Taking the classical Sioux-Falls transportation network as an example, a case study was conducted to verify the rationality of the model and its algorithm for the optimization on the distributing routes of hazardous materials with 3 distribution centers and 7 demand points. Research result shows that when the robust control parameters are set as 0, 30 and 60, respectively, the hybrid algorithm can obtain 3, 2 and 3 robust optimal solutions, respectively, and all solutions are delivered with the specific road sections and departure times but not the distribution order. Comparing with the traditional two-stage heuristic algorithm, the hybrid algorithm can save 54.74% of the runtime. It can clearly be seen that the hybrid algorithm is superior to the two-stage heuristic algorithm both in the algorithmic efficiency and expression of the solution, and can complete the multi-objective bi-level robust optimization on the hazardous materials distributing routes in uncertain environments. 6 tabs, 9 figs, 34 refs.


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Last Update: 2018-05-30