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Ship scheduling optimization on bulk cargo port considering ship lightening and berth shifting(PDF)


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Ship scheduling optimization on bulk cargo port considering ship lightening and berth shifting
ZHENG Hong-xing LIU Bao-li ZHANG Run WANG Cui-ping
(School of Transportation Management, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, Liaoning, China)
traffic management bulk cargo port ship scheduling ship lightening and berth shifting fixed period one-way channel
To improve the service level of bulk cargo port and make full use of its existing berth resource, the ship scheduling optimization on bulk cargo ports using ship lightening and berth shifting strategies was studied. The impact of large ship lightening and berth shifting on ship scheduling in a bulk cargo port was considered, ship inbound/outbound order, berth shifting order and berth shifting position were taken as decisionvariables, the minimum waiting time of inbound and outbound ships was taken as the objective function, a mixed integer linear programming model was constructed. Based on the characteristics of the model, a hybrid algorithm and heuristic rules for generating an initial population were given. A neighborhood strategy for constructing a new population was proposed, and the effective improvement measures in the simulated annealing algorithm were introduced. To verify the effectiveness of this scheme and the algorithm, the comparison tests for the scheme and algorithm based on actual research data were given, and the influences of ship tidal ratio and length of inbound/outbound period on the optimization results of the scheme were analyzed. Research result shows that comparing with the two current ship scheduling schemes with the first-come first-served idea and greedy strategy, the average optimization rates of the two proposed schemes are 11.07% and 9.84%, respectively. When the fleet size increases from 20 to 50, the calculation time of the hybrid algorithm always be less than 2 min, and the average relative deviation between the objective function value and lower bound is 6.92%. With the increase in ship tidal ratio, both the optimization rate and objective function value of the scheme increase exponentially at first, and then tend to be stable. The inflection point appears when the tidal ratio is 50%. As the length of inbound/outbound period increases, the scheme optimization rate and target value exhibit an M-shaped trend. The optimization effect is most significant when the length of inbound/outbound period is approximately 130 min. Obviously, the ship scheduling optimization model and the hybrid algorithm are feasible. 3 tabs, 8 figs, 30 refs.


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Last Update: 2018-05-30