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Effect of track comprehensive maintenance on geometry irregularity improvement of ballast track in high-speed railway(PDF)


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Effect of track comprehensive maintenance on geometry irregularity improvement of ballast track in high-speed railway
MU Dong-sheng ZHOU Yu HAN Yan-bin ZHENG Xiao-feng KUANG Di-feng
(Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China)
track engineering high-speed railway track comprehensive maintenance ballast track geometry irregularity large machinery work track quality index
According to the track geometry inspection data captured before and after comprehensive maintenance of ballast track in a high-speed railway, the improvements in the geometric irregularity of comprehensive maintenance that consists of large machinery work, artificial fine adjustment, and rail grinding were analyzed. Analyses result shows that the large machinery work, artificial fine adjustment, and rail grinding can improve track geometric irregularity effectively. Among them, the improvement rates of large machinery work on track vertical, cross, and twist irregularities are 20.95%, 12.90%, and 13.16%, respectively, the improvement rates of artificial fine adjustment on track vertical, cross, twist, and gauge irregularities are 11.97%, 5.56%, 7.43%, and 6.12%, respectively, and the rail grinding can improve the track vertical and alignment irregularities by 4.85% and 3.88%, respectively. The track quality index(TQI)improves by 11.54%, 6.91%, and 1.10% after large machinery work, artificial fine adjustment, and rail grinding, respectively. Large machinery work and artificial fine adjustment have obvious effects on the improvement of single irregularities. The contribution of large machinery work is the largest, whereas the artificial fine adjustment can improve the track gauge irregularity to a certain extent, and the rail grinding can further improve the track vertical irregularity and track alignment irregularity, but have no obvious effects on the track cross irregularity, track gauge irregularity, or track twist irregularity. Through the comprehensive maintenance, the single irregularity and TQI both decrease, in which the TQI, track vertical irregularity, track cross irregularity, and right track alignment irregularity decrease approximately as power functions, the left track alignment irregularity decreases approximately as a linear function, and the track twist irregularity decreases approximately as a logarithmic function. The geometrical state of the track irregularities improves effectively after large machinery work, and the artificial fine adjustment and rail grinding can further improve some single irregularities. 3 tabs, 14 figs, 30 refs.


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Last Update: 2018-05-30