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Stability region estimation of lane change on highway for tractor-semitrailer(PDF)


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Stability region estimation of lane change on highway for tractor-semitrailer
PENG Tao1 GUAN Zhi-wei1 ZHANG Rong-hui2 DU Feng1 ZONG Chang-fu3 LI Ke-ning4
1. School of Automobile and Transportation, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin 300222, China; 2. Guangdong Key Laboratory of Intelligent Transportation System, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, Guangdong, China; 3. State Key Laboratory of Automotive Simulation and Control, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, Jilin, China; 4.State Key Laboratory of Mechanical System and Vibration, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China
automobile engineering tractor-semitrailer nonlinear stability Lyapunov stability theorem lane change on highway stability region traffic safety
To improve the deficiency of the traditional vehicle stability region for evaluating the unsteady steering stability of articulated train, a stability region estimation method for lane change on a highway for tractor-semitrailer was proposed. A four-degree-of-freedom nonlinear dynamics model of tractor-semitrailer with Pacejka's magic formula was established and verified by comparing the tractor-semitrailer lane change simulation and test on a highway. Though establishing the vehicle system Jacobian matrix, the vehicle stabilities in high-speed step steering and sinusoidal steering were analyzed by using an eigenvalue method. Based on the Lyapunov stability theorem, the Lyapunov energy function was derived. The energy and energy change thresholds of the vehicle system in critical situations were analyzed, and the vehicle stability region for lane change on a highway was obtained. The stability region was verified by tractor-semitrailer lane change test at 30 m·s-1. Analysis result shows that the eigenvalues of the vehicle system Jacobian matrix are greater than 0 during lane change on a highway, but the values finally converge to less than 0, so the system can remain stable. The vehicle stability region for lane change on a highway is an approximate concave surface, so the closer to the low point in the central area, the more stable the vehicle system is, and the vehicle system will approach instability or become unstable once approaching or even exceeding the energy threshold. A vehicle lane change test at 30 m·s-1 indicates that the vehicle system is in critical instability when the Lyapunov energy is close to the threshold of 3.863 6 J. Therefore, the determined stability region for lane change on a highway for a tractor-semitrailer can better characterize the stability of vehicle system in the condition of high-speed transient continuous steering, and offer a valuable reference for tractor-semitrailer handling stability evaluation and control. 3 tabs, 31 figs, 30 refs.


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Last Update: 2018-08-30