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Analysis on rail wear and crack initiation and recommendation on rail selection in urban rail transit(PDF)


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Analysis on rail wear and crack initiation and recommendation on rail selection in urban rail transit
ZHOU Yu MU Dong-sheng KUANG Di-feng ZHENG Xiao-feng HAN Yan-bin
Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
urban rail transit rail rolling contact fatigue wear wheel-rail hardness match
The theory of rolling contact fatigue(RCF)crack prediction based on the energy density method and critical plane method, and wear prediction theory based on the Archard method were analyzed, a prediction model of the coexistence of RCF crack initiation and wear growth in rails of urban rail transit(URT)was presented. The RCF crack initiation life, corresponding rail profile evolution and wear growth rate were predicted for three kinds of the rails with different hardnesses, named U71Mn as-rolled, U75V as-rolled, and U75V heat-treated rails that were commonly used in URT. The development characteristics of the fatigue crack initiation and wear growth were analyzed. Based on the shakedown limit theory, according to the common gradients and type ER9 wheel, the rail selection suggestion for URT was proposed considering the hardness match between the wheel and rail. Analysis result shows that the RCF crack initiation lifes of the rails prolong and the wear growth rates reduce with the increase of the rail hardness. Compared with those of U71Mn as-rolled rail, the wear growth rates of the U75V as-rolled and heat-treated rails reduce by 3.2% and 12.1%, respectively, and their crack initiation lifes prolong by 14.8% and 31.1% respectively. The materials of three kinds of rails with different hardnesses are all within the elastic shakedown limit under the common gradients condition in URT, but they will tend to the plastic shakedown limit with the increase of the gradient. Given the hardness match of the ER9 wheel, it is recommended that the hardness of the rail surface should be higher than that of the wheel tread. The wheel-rail hardness ratios are 0.87-1.04 for U75V as-rolled rail and ER9 wheel, and 0.71-0.84 for U75V heat-treated rail and ER9 wheel, respectively. Both U75V rails can be adapted to the URT system in China. 2 tabs, 8 figs, 26 refs.


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Last Update: 2018-08-30