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Environmental impact of asphalt pavement construction based on discrete event simulation(PDF)


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Environmental impact of asphalt pavement construction based on discrete event simulation
YU Bin SUN Yue
School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, Jiangsu, China
road engineering asphalt pavement construction environmental impact energy consumption discrete event simulation pollutant emission
To lower energy consumption, greenhouse gases(GHGs)production, and pollutant emission in the asphalt pavement construction process, a calculation model of the environmental impact of asphalt pavement construction, based on discrete event simulation(DES), was established. The construction steps were abstracted by using the probability distribution function and a logical statement. The discrete event model of asphalt pavement construction was built by using a graphical DES software. The Nonroad calculation model was implemented to perform the dynamic calculation of the amount of different GHGs and pollutants, and the simulation emission results of different construction conditions were compared. Analysis result shows that the transportation of asphalt mixture to the paving site by trucks is the main energy consumption source in the asphalt pavement construction process, accounting for 44% of the total energy consumption. The energy consumption of the paving and truck-returning processes respectively account for 32% and 12% of the total energy consumption. The primary construction steps that lead to the emission of GHGs and pollutants are the transportation and paving processes, accounting for more than 50% of the total emissions. NOx and CO2 are the main emissions in the paving and compaction processes, and the transportation process, respectively. To optimize construction technology, the application of continuous paving construction can remarkably reduce the emissions of NOx by approximately 15%. Considering construction equipment, an appropriate increase in the capacity of paving equipment can reduce the emissions of CO2 and HC by approximately 25% and 17%, respectively. This shows that the developed environmental impact calculation model of asphalt pavement construction based on DES can quantify the energy consumptions and emissions of GHGs and air pollutants of asphalt pavement construction, and optimize the construction scheme. 5 tabs, 13 figs, 29 refs.


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Last Update: 2018-08-30