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An ant colony optimization algorithm of stochastic user equilibrium traffic assignment problem(PDF)


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An ant colony optimization algorithm of stochastic user equilibrium traffic assignment problem
YANG Lin-jian12 ZHAO Xiang-mo1 HE Bing-hua1 WEI Qiu-yue1 AN Yi-sheng1
1. School of Information Engineering, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 2. Road Transport Administration of Yunnan Province, Kunming 650031, Yunnan, China
intelligent transportation dynamic traffic assignment ant colony optimization stochastic user equilibrium problem logit model sensitivity analysis
The relationship between the indicators of the traveler’s familiarity with the road network and the equilibrium of traffic flow assignment was studied. An ant colony optimization algorithm with the pheromone update strategy of exponential form was proposed to solve the stochastic user equilibrium problem. In addition, the dynamic cycle process of traffic assignment was established from the logit model loading to the iterative calculations of traffic demand, path flow, road flow, road impedance and path impedance. The road flows and road impedances of Nguyen-Dupuis road network model were calculated and compared with the result computed by the successive average algorithm. The sensitivities of ant colony optimization algorithm and successive average algorithm were analyzed by adjusting the factors of the traveler’s familiarity with the road network. Analysis result shows that the road flow distributions computed by the successive average algorithm and ant colony optimization algorithm are 20-280 and 40-260 pcu, respectively, and the flow distribution interval computed by the latter decreases by 15.4%, while the maximum road flow decreases by 7.1%. Therefore, the road flow calculated by the ant colony optimization algorithm is more balanced. When using the ant colony optimization algorithm, the standard deviation of each road section flow in Nguyen-Dupuis road network model reduces from 65 to 48 pcu, 88% of the alternative paths’ impedances distribute in 61-64, and 84% of the path impedances are lower than the result computed by the successive average algorithm. Therefore, the ant colony optimization algorithm can reduce the user travel time. When the familiarity of the road network is 0.01, 0.1, 1, 2, 7, and 11, respectively, the standard deviation of each road section calculated by the successive average algorithm is 75, 65, 50, 47, 45, and 45 pcu, respectively, and the standard deviation calculated by the ant colony optimization algorithm is 48, 48, 48, 47, 43, and 43 pcu, respectively. With the increase of road network familiarity, the range of the flow assigned to each road gradually decreases, and the standard deviation tends to be stable. The pheromone update strategy has greater influence on the probability of traveler’s path selection, and the probability selecting the path with smaller impedance is higher. Therefore, the ant colony optimization algorithm gradually outperforms the successive average algorithm for the flow distribution of each road section. 2 tabs, 10 figs, 26 refs.


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Last Update: 2018-07-14